Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
class [klɑ:s] |
gang [gæŋ] |
group [gru:p] |
section ['sɛkʃən] |
troop [tru:p] |
blood group [blʌd gru:p] |
age group [eɪʤ gru:p] |
panel ['pænl] |
dancing group | |
niche [nɪʧ] |
self-help group [sɛlf hɛlp gru:p] |
party of | |
blood type [blʌd taɪp] |
target audience ['tɑ:gɪt 'ɔdɪəns] |
cluster ['klʌstə(r)] |
ethnic group ['ɛθnɪk gru:p] |
loyal following ['lɔɪəl 'fɔləuɪŋ] |
batch [bæʧ] |
functional groups | |
control group [kən'trəul gru:p] |
lot [lɔt] |
clump [klʌmp] |
batch [bæʧ] |
band [bænd] |
counselling group | |
support group [sə'pɔ:t gru:p] |
corporation [kɔ:rpə'reɪʃən] |
focus group ['fəukəs gru:p] |
a bunch of people | |
bevy ['bɛvɪ] |
faith community [feɪθ kə'mju:nɪtɪ] |
newsgroup ['nju:zgru:p] |
peer group [pɪə(r) gru:p] |
pack of [pæk ɔv] |
lobby ['lɔbɪ] |
bereavement counselling | |
troop [tru:p] |
The group of girls is using the microscope with their teacher. [ðə gru:p ɔv gə:lz ɪz 'jju:zɪŋ ðə 'maɪkrəskəup wɪð ðɛə(r) 'ti:ʧə(r)] |
organized group ['ɔ:gənaɪzd gru:p] |
chat groups [ʧæt gru:ps] |
think tank [θɪŋk tæŋk] |
debating team [də'beɪtɪŋ ti:m] |
posse ['pɔsɪ] |
a think-tank [ə θɪŋk tæŋk] |
group [gru:p] |
epoxies [epoxies] |
tax bracket [tæks 'brækɪt] |
stick or chalk [stɪk ɔ:(r) ʧɔk] |
the group of islets in the Caribbean [ðə gru:p ɔv 'aɪləts ɪn ðə kærɪ'bi:ən] |
gang [gæŋ] |
hamstring muscles ['hæmstrɪŋ 'mʌsɪlz] |
consumer group [kən'sju:mə(r) gru:p] |
target group ['tɑ:gɪt gru:p] |
religious group [rɪ'lɪʤəs gru:p] |
naval fire liaison team ['neɪvəl 'faɪə(r) lɪ'eɪzɑn ti:m] |
naval beach group ['neɪvəl bi:ʧ gru:p] |
shore party [ʃɔ:(r) 'pɑ:tɪ] |
a working group [ə 'wə:kɪŋ gru:p] |
a party [ə 'pɑ:tɪ] |
a party [ə 'pɑ:tɪ] |
working party ['wə:kɪŋ 'pɑ:tɪ] |
content community ['kɔntent kə'mju:nɪtɪ] |
top brass [tɔp brɑ:s] |
boat group [bəut gru:p] |
inner group ['ɪnə(r) gru:p] |
bunch of people [bʌnʧ ɔv 'pi:pl] |
food group [fu:d gru:p] |
school of thought [sku:l ɔv θɔ:t] |
lobby group ['lɔbɪ gru:p] |
audience ['ɔdɪəns] |
in droves [ɪn drəuvz] |
detail [dɪ'teɪl] |
the battle-group is assigned to [ðə 'bætl gru:p ɪz ə'saɪnd tu] |
a group of people were heading north west of the check point. [ə gru:p ɔv 'pi:pl wə:(r) 'hɛdɪŋ nɔ:θ wɛst ɔv ðə ʧɛk pɔɪnt] |
a group of people were heading north-west of the check point [ə gru:p ɔv 'pi:pl wə:(r) 'hɛdɪŋ nɔ:θ wɛst ɔv ðə ʧɛk pɔɪnt] |
stick, chalk [stɪk ʧɔk] |
battlegroup [battlegroup] |
clandestine troop [klæn'dɛstɪn tru:p] |
target group / audience ['tɑ:gɪt gru:p 'ɔdɪəns] |
customs group ['kʌstəmz gru:p] |
social group ['səuʃl gru:p] |