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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"ulicy" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
front room
[frʌnt ru:m]
walk to the end of the road
[wɔ:k tu ðə ɛnd ɔv ðə rəud]
down the street
in the street
[ɪn ðə stri:t]
street child
street luge
[stri:t lju:ʤ]
It's on the same street as your hotel
Just go along this X street then turn left
to be on the streets
[tu bi: ɔn ðə stri:ts]
at- the- end- of- the- round
A mugger snatched my handbag in the middle of a bu
down the street
[daun ðə stri:t]
down the street
[daun ðə stri:t]
Side road
[saɪd rəud]
he lives across the street
go on to the and of the road
[gəu ɔn tu ðə ænd ɔv ðə rəud]
you will find the bank on your left haltway down the street
street cred
you are in Młyńska Street
up the street
off the street
on the other side of the street
[ɔn ðə 'ʌðə(r) saɪd ɔv ðə stri:t]
Go down the side street.
Go down the main road.
go along a street
[gəu ə'lɔŋ ə stri:t]
street sweeper
Go to the end of this street.
[gəu tu ðə ɛnd ɔv ðɪs stri:t]
along the street
[ə'lɔŋ ðə stri:t]
on the corner of the street
[ɔn ðə 'kɔ:nə(r) ɔv ðə stri:t]
away from street
I’m looking for Washington Street
sleep rough
[sli:p rʌf]
If I had a lot of money, I would have bought that Mercedes that I saw yesterday in the street.
How do I get to...Street?
On the other side of the street.
street name
is on Washington street
across the road
[ək'rɔs ðə rəud]
There were no pedestrians in the street
The car is on the right side of the street.
[ðə kɑ:(r) ɪz ɔn ðə raɪt saɪd ɔv ðə stri:t]
The police station is on Second Street , and the school is on Hill Avenue.
[ðə pə'li:s 'steɪʃən ɪz ɔn 'sɛkənd stri:t ænd ðə sku:l ɪz ɔn hɪl 'ævənju:]
pull out
[pul aut]
go as far as the end of the road
[gəu æz fɑ: æz ðə ɛnd ɔv ðə rəud]
We went down a little street.
[wi: wɛnt daun ə 'lɪtl stri:t]
Yes, I live in Bristol Road in the street. I'm here for two weeks.
[jɛs aɪ lɪv ɪn 'brɪstl rəud ɪn ðə stri:t I'm hɪr fɔ:(r) tju: wi:ks]
in a quiet street
[ɪn ə 'kwaɪət stri:t]
it's on the other side of the street
[it's ɔn ðə 'ʌðə(r) saɪd ɔv ðə stri:t]
in the main street
[ɪn ðə meɪn stri:t]
disturbances in the street after football matches
[dɪs'tə:bənsɪz ɪn ðə stri:t 'ɑ:ftə(r) 'futbɔ:l 'mæʧəz]
mugging / mugger / mug
['mʌgɪŋ 'mʌgə(r) mʌg]
I don't see anybody in the street
[aɪ don't si: 'ɛnɪbɔdɪ ɪn ðə stri:t]
My hotel is in Shakespeare street
[maɪ hə'tɛl ɪz ɪn 'ʃeɪkspi:r stri:t]
I'm looking for Nelson Street
[I'm 'lukɪŋ fɔ:(r) 'nɛlsɪn stri:t]
I'm looking for this street
[I'm 'lukɪŋ fɔ:(r) ðɪs stri:t]
I'm looking for a restaurant in Nelson Street
[I'm 'lukɪŋ fɔ:(r) ə 'rɛstərɑnt ɪn 'nɛlsɪn stri:t]
The church is in Shakespeare Street
[ðə ʧə:ʧ ɪz ɪn 'ʃeɪkspi:r stri:t]
I live at 121 by 7 Legionow street
[aɪ lɪv æt 121 baɪ 7 Legionow stri:t]
billboard/ hoarding
['bɪlbɔ:d 'hɔ:dɪŋ]
right across the street
[raɪt ək'rɔs ðə stri:t]
Walk down the street as far as the
[wɔ:k daun ðə stri:t æz fɑ: æz ðə]
Walk along until you get to the end of the street
[wɔ:k ə'lɔŋ ən'tɪl ju: gɛt tu ðə ɛnd ɔv ðə stri:t]
is at the end of the road
[ɪz æt ðə ɛnd ɔv ðə rəud]
which street do you live in?
[wɪʧ stri:t du: ju: lɪv ɪn]
go along (down) the street
[gəu ə'lɔŋ daun ðə stri:t]
Drive along the street
[draɪv ə'lɔŋ ðə stri:t]
it is on the left of the street
[ɪt ɪz ɔn ðə lɛft ɔv ðə stri:t]
it is on the corner of the street
[ɪt ɪz ɔn ðə 'kɔ:nə(r) ɔv ðə stri:t]
Turn left at the end of the street and then straight on
[tə:n lɛft æt ðə ɛnd ɔv ðə stri:t ænd ðɛn streɪt ɔn]
I bought a CD player last week in your shop in XXX street on 2 ND September.
[aɪ bɔt ə 'si:di: 'pleɪə(r) lɑ:st wi:k ɪn jɔ:(r) ʃɔp ɪn XXX stri:t ɔn 2 ND sep'tɛmbə(r)]
high-street shop
[haɪ stri:t ʃɔp]
to mug
[tu mʌg]
in Rose Street
[ɪn rəuz stri:t]
at 15 Rose Street
[æt 15 rəuz stri:t]
at the end of the street
[æt ðə ɛnd ɔv ðə stri:t]
My hotel is in Shakespeare street.
[maɪ hə'tɛl ɪz ɪn 'ʃeɪkspi:r stri:t]
I'm looking for Nelson Street.
[I'm 'lukɪŋ fɔ:(r) 'nɛlsɪn stri:t]
I'm looking for this street.
[I'm 'lukɪŋ fɔ:(r) ðɪs stri:t]
I'm looking for a restaurant in Nelson Street.
[I'm 'lukɪŋ fɔ:(r) ə 'rɛstərɑnt ɪn 'nɛlsɪn stri:t]
The church is in Shakespeare Street.
[ðə ʧə:ʧ ɪz ɪn 'ʃeɪkspi:r stri:t]
traffic island
['træfɪk 'aɪlənd]
money doesn't grow on trees
['mʌnɪ doesn't grəu ɔn tri:z]
which street is ... on
[wɪʧ stri:t ɪz ɔn]
My hotel is in Shakespeare street
[maɪ hə'tɛl ɪz ɪn 'ʃeɪkspi:r stri:t]
She pretended not to see me as she passed me on the street
[ʃi: prɪ'tɛndəd nɔt tu si: mi: æz ʃi: pæst mi: ɔn ðə stri:t]
across the road from
[ək'rɔs ðə rəud frɔm]
What street is ... on
[wɔt stri:t ɪz ɔn]
across the street
[ək'rɔs ðə stri:t]
in the middle of the road
[ɪn ðə 'mɪdl ɔv ðə rəud]
turn left at the...
[tə:n lɛft æt ðə]
it's at... the and of the street
[it's æt ðə ænd ɔv ðə stri:t]
turn left at the...
[tə:n lɛft æt ðə]

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