Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
hill [hɪl] |
hilly ['hɪlɪ] |
hillside ['hɪlsaɪd] |
hillside ['hɪlsaɪd] |
hillarious | |
hillock ['hɪlək] |
hillside ['hɪlsaɪd] |
hill walking [hɪl 'wɔ:kɪŋ] |
hills [hɪlz] |
hills [hɪlz] |
hill [hɪl] |
hill [hɪl] |
hill [hɪl] |
hilltop ['hɪltɑp] |
hillside ['hɪlsaɪd] |
hill [hɪl] |
hill [hɪl] |
hilly area ['hɪlɪ 'ɛərɪə] |
hill [hɪl] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
The police station is on Second Street , and the school is on Hill Avenue. [ðə pə'li:s 'steɪʃən ɪz ɔn 'sɛkənd stri:t ænd ðə sku:l ɪz ɔn hɪl 'ævənju:] |
Go down Hill Road and turn right into Bond Street [gəu daun hɪl rəud ænd tə:n raɪt 'ɪntu bɔnd stri:t] |
in a very nice part of Beverly Hills [ɪn ə 'vɛrɪ naɪs pɑ:t ɔv 'bɛvərlɪ hɪlz] |
You would see an escape lane znak [ju: wud si: ən əs'keɪp leɪn znak] |
An endurance break [ən ɪn'djuərəns breɪk] |