Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"Yes" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
yes please
[jɛs pli:z]
Yes thats right
Yes that's right
yesterday at midday
Yes but what
Yes a little bit
yesterday's issue
Yes- I- like- to- read.
Yes- she- likes- to- read
Yes I agree
Yes I'd love to
yes she is
[jɛs ʃi: ɪz]
yes he is
yesterday at 11 i was fiszing
Yes, that's right
[jɛs ðæts raɪt]
yes, you do
Yes, you should.
yes, I am
[jɛs aɪ æm]
yes , you are
[jɛs ju: ɑ:(r)]
yes, there is
[jɛs ðɛə(r) ɪz]
Yes, there are
[jɛs ðɛə(r) ɑ:(r)]
Yes, there was
yes, there were
Yes, we are
Tak, my...
Yes, for my boyfriend.
Yes./Sure./Go ahead.
Yes, (of course) you may
yes, of course you may
[jɛs ɔv kɔ:s ju: meɪ]
yes . I would
yes I do like it very .
yes, I do like very much
yesterday I went to the Gdańsk's City Hall
Yes , I already seen it.
Yes., I've already seen it.
Yes,I have a boyfriend
Yes, of course
[jɛs ɔv kɔ:s]
Yes, I do
[jɛs aɪ du:]
Yes, I have
[jɛs aɪ hæv]
Yes, it has
Yes, it's fantastick
Yes, she does.
yes, if it were nearer
[jɛs ɪf ɪt wə:(r) 'nɪrə(r)]
yes, I'd love to
yes that would be great
Yes, I think that's a good idea.
yes that's probably the best option
yes but don't you think it would be better to
yes sure
yes that's fine
yes, she'll be here
[jɛs ʃi:l bi: hɪr]
yesterday evening .
Yes, we can!
Yes, a can of Coke, please.
[jɛs ə kæn ɔv kəuk pli:z]
Yes, I’d like a glass of water, please.
Yes, I do. The river rises in the Carpathian Mountains
Yes, we can
[jɛs wi: kæn]
Yes, (of course) you may.
yes, i'd be surprised
yesterday morning
['jɛstərdeɪ 'mɔ:nɪŋ]
Yesterday she was in Paris
Yesterday it rained all morning. It stopped at lunch time
yes I do No I don't
yesterday's winner
Yes, maybe you're right.
[jɛs 'meɪbi: jur raɪt]
Yes, I think a lot will change in my life within a year
Yes.The lamb is excellent!
Yes. The seafood and pasta are excellent!
Yes, it has changed a lot. For example, when I was a girl, not many families had cars.
Yes, certainly
[jɛs 'sə:tənlɪ]
Yes , it is , indeed .
[jɛs ɪt ɪz ɪn'di:d]
Yes , I am. I'm here for a conference
[jɛs aɪ æm I'm hɪr fɔ:(r) ə 'kɔnfərəns]
Yes, I live in Bristol Road in the street. I'm here for two weeks.
[jɛs aɪ lɪv ɪn 'brɪstl rəud ɪn ðə stri:t I'm hɪr fɔ:(r) tju: wi:ks]
Yesterday we saw the Colosseum.
['jɛstərdeɪ wi: sɔ: ðə kɑlɪ'si:əm]
yes, indeed
[jɛs ɪn'di:d]
Yes, I can speak English
[jɛs aɪ kæn spi:k 'ɪŋglɪʃ]
yes please do
[jɛs pli:z du:]
Yes, here in this cupboard
[jɛs hɪr ɪn ðɪs 'kʌbəd]
yes, indeed
[jɛs ɪn'di:d]
Yes, I will
[jɛs aɪ wɪl]
Yes I would
[jɛs aɪ wud]
Yesterday there were four patients in the hospital
['jɛstərdeɪ ðɛə(r) wə:(r) fɔ:(r) 'peɪʃənts ɪn ðə 'hɔspɪtl]
yes, but on the other hand
[jɛs bʌt ɔn ðə 'ʌðə(r) hænd]
yes, I'm ok, just a bit tired
[jɛs I'm 'əukeɪ ʤʌst ə bɪt 'taɪəd]
yes, please do
[jɛs pli:z du:]
yes, why not
[jɛs waɪ nɔt]
yes, please
[jɛs pli:z]
Yes, true, but...
[jɛs tru: bʌt]
Yes, maybe, but...
[jɛs 'meɪbi: bʌt]
Yes, the pub's about to close
[jɛs ðə pub's ə'baut tu kləus]
Yes, it was amazing
[jɛs ɪt wɔz ə'meɪzɪŋ]
Yes, I ought to sing.
[jɛs aɪ ɔ:t tu sɪŋ]
Yes, my train leaves in an hour
[jɛs maɪ treɪn li:vz ɪn ən 'auə(r)]
Yesterday at 4 o'clock he was still sleeping.
['jɛstərdeɪ æt 4 o'clock hi: wɔz stɪl 'sli:pɪŋ]
Yesterday Poland embarrassed itself.
['jɛstərdeɪ 'pəulənd ɪm'bærəst ɪt'sɛlf]
Yesterday evening I visited my friends.
['jɛstərdeɪ 'i:vnɪŋ aɪ 'vɪzətəd maɪ frɛndz]

"Yes" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
Ought we to study hard if we do not wish to fail exams?
Is this sentence wrong: “I’ve been here since two hours”?
Does this sentence express a willingness: “I will do your exercise for you”?
Is there a mistake in this sentence: “We dress ourself”?
Ought one to wash oneself when one is dirty?
Do people usually have accidents if they do not drive carefully?
Must we study in order to learn?
Might one see the Thames if one went to London?
Ought we to pay back what we borrow?
Is it right to say, “He gave me further information”?
Had you had anything to eat before 9 p.m. yesterday?
Has this exam already started?
Is there a pen anywhere in this room?
Are you in the habit of eating each day?
Do children usually look like their parents?
Will there be even more people in the world in tem years’ time than now?
Do you usually write with your own pen?
Is the Word “badly” an adverb?
Is one of the reasons for tiredness too much work?
Is eating bad food one of the causes of illness?
Is Europe a mixture of countries?
Is Shakespeare dead?
Do people generally clean their shoes when they are dirty?
Are most people afraid of death?
is it a.....?
yes it is a....
is he a student?
are they books?
is there a.....?
yes, there is a... no,there is not a.....
are there...?
yes,there are .... no,there are not .......
Do I have a black hair?
Do we have friends?
Do they have a garden?
Does he have black hair?
Does she have a car?
[dʌz ʃi: hæv ə kɑ:(r)]
Does it have 4 walls? / the classroom/
Does he a car?
If one does not stir one’s tea, will the sugar settle at the bottom of the cup?
Is the word “herself” in the following sentence an Emphasising Pronoun?“She made t
Does a rocking-chair move backwards and forwards?
If someone said to you “Shall we go to the theatre?, would he be making a suggestion?
Is there anything wrong in this sentence? “He goes always to the cinema on Saturday”
Has this building got a ground floor?
Can we say “Which subject do (or did) you find the dullest at school?
Is “sight” one of the five senses?
Would you mind if you were kicked hard by a horse?
Is this sentence incorrect? “He was glad meet you.
If you look upwards, would you see the ceiling?
Is it correct to say “I have laid the table.
Could we finished a speech by saying “…and now finally I would like to say…”
You see...
[ju: si:]
X: Did you like the concert last night? Y: .........It was fantastic!
[ɛks dɪd ju: laɪk ðə 'kɔnsət lɑ:st naɪt waɪ ɪt wɔz fæn'tæstɪk]
Would you like to go to the Ed Sheeran concert next month? ..........to. Great. I'll book the tickets.
[wud ju: laɪk tu gəu tu ðə ɛd 'ʃɪrən 'kɔnsət nɛkst mʌnθ tu greɪt aɪl bʊk ðə 'tɪkəts]
have you inherited any family characteristics?
[hæv ju: ɪ'nhɛrətɪd 'ɛnɪ 'fæməlɪ kɛrɪktə'rɪstɪks]
Do you live with your extended family?
[du: ju: lɪv wɪð jɔ:(r) ɪk'stɛndəd 'fæməlɪ]

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