Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt] |
dwell [dwɛl] |
dweller ['dwɛlə(r)] |
dwelling ['dwɛlɪŋ] |
flat [flæt] |
inhabitant [ɪn'hæbɪtnt] |
lodging ['lɔʤɪŋ] |
next-door [nɛkst dɔ:(r)] |
occupant ['ɔkjupənt] |
resident ['rɛzɪdənt] |
townfolk | |
townsfolk ['taunzfəuk] |
townspeople ['taunzpi:pl] |
to live [tu lɪv] |
stay at a hotel [steɪ æt ə hə'tɛl] |
inhabitants [ɪ'nhæbətənts] |
one bedroom flat [wʌn 'bɛdrum flæt] |
I live in ... [aɪ lɪv ɪn] |
residential [rɛzɪ'dɛnʧəl] |
city-dweller ['sɪtɪ 'dwɛlə(r)] |
habitable ['hæbɪtəbl] |
dwell dwelt dwelt [dwɛl dwɛlt dwɛlt] |
squatter ['skwɔtə(r)] |
live [lɪv] |
live next door [lɪv nɛkst dɔ:(r)] |
live in digs [lɪv ɪn dɪgz] |
live on a farm | |
get by in [gɛt baɪ ɪn] |
to live apart | |
flat [flæt] |
brummies dislike regional accent | |
stay in a hotel [steɪ ɪn ə hə'tɛl] |
lodge [lɔʤ] |
home [həum] |
apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt] |
I've lived here for eighty years. [aɪv laɪvd hɪr fɔ:(r) 'eɪtɪ jɪrz] |
two-storey [tju: 'stɔ:rɪ] |
split-level flat [splɪt 'lɛvl flæt] |
council flat ['kaunsl flæt] |
live on the first floor | |
housing ['hauzɪŋ] |
apartament | |
live [lɪv] |
I live here. [aɪ lɪv hɪr] |
residents of the region ['rɛzɪdənts ɔv ðə 'ri:ʤən] |
residents ['rɛzɪdənts] |
occupants ['ɔkjupənts] |
inhabitant [ɪn'hæbɪtnt] |
resident ['rɛzɪdənt] |
I live in a big flat [aɪ lɪv ɪn ə bɪg flæt] |
apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt] |
flat [flæt] |
She is staying with me at the moment [ʃi: ɪz 'steɪɪŋ wɪð mi: æt ðə 'məumənt] |
inhabitant [ɪn'hæbɪtnt] |
I live in Coventry [aɪ lɪv ɪn 'kʌvəntrɪ] |
live at the seaside | |
flat [flæt] |
I was lived | |
flat/apartment [flæt ə'pɑ:tmənt] |
live a away from | |
inhabitant/resident [ɪ'nhæbətənt 'rɛzɪdənt] |
holiday flat | |
The flat is | |
I'm stayng in a small hotel | |
live [lɪv] |
live with sb [lɪv wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ] |
live in a flat [lɪv ɪn ə flæt] |
Latvian ['lætvɪən] |
Ukrainian [juk'reɪnɪən] |
flat [flæt] |
resident ['rɛzɪdənt] |
inhaitant | |
residental | |
We live over Vistula. [wi: lɪv 'əuvə(r) Vistula] |
residential [rɛzɪ'dɛnʧəl] |
dwellings ['dwɛlɪŋz] |
I'm living in digs | |
I live in southern Italy. [aɪ lɪv ɪn 'sʌðən 'ɪtəlɪ] |
I live on the tenth floor. [aɪ lɪv ɔn ðə tɛnθ flɔ:(r)] |
live in comfort | |
atlanteam | |
dwellers ['dwɛlərz] |
live in [lɪv ɪn] |
stay at a campsite [steɪ æt ə 'kæmpsaɪt] |
stay at guesthouse [steɪ æt 'gɛsthaus] |
stay at a youth hostel [steɪ æt ə ju:θ 'hɔstl] |
squatted | |
live alone [lɪv ə'ləun] |
The flat is near/opposite/next to/in... | |
Do you live in a flat? | |
housing ..... ['hauzɪŋ] |
live in the suburbs [lɪv ɪn ðə 'sʌbərbz] |
sheltered housing | |
supported/ sheltered housing | |
council accomodation | |
i've lived in this city for 12 years, since 1996 [aɪv laɪvd ɪn ðɪs 'sɪtɪ fɔ:(r) 12 jɪrz sɪns 1996] |
unfurnished flat [unfurnished flæt] |
stay at/in a hotel [steɪ æt ɪn ə hə'tɛl] |
I live in the Park hotel [aɪ lɪv ɪn ðə pɑ:k hə'tɛl] |
tenement apartment ['tɛnəmənt ə'pɑ:tmənt] |