Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"hadn" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
I'd rather you hadn't done it
She hadn't told anyone about these calls
The map hadn't changed much in the last century.
If I hadn't worn my helmet, I would have hurt my head.
[ɪf aɪ 'hædənt wɔ:n maɪ 'hɛlmɪt aɪ wud hæv hə:t maɪ hɛd]
If he hadn't brought his dog to work , everyone would be working.
If they hadn't collided with each other, she would have been on time for her date.
If I hadn't been so busy, I would have helped you.
If I hadn't taken that job, I wouldn't be a president of the company now.
If he hadn't bought the car, he wouldn't be short of money now.
If I hadn't taken that job, I wouldn't be a president of the company now.
I wish I hadn't downloaded this game. It proved so addictive I'm losing all my free time.
if it hadn't been for
If he hadn't dropped the ball , they would have won the game.
Would you be studying English now if you hadn't bought this course?
[wud ju: bi: 'stʌdɪɪŋ 'ɪŋglɪʃ nau ɪf ju: hadn't bɔt ðɪs kɔ:s]
Would America have been discovered if Columbus hadn't made his voyage?
[wud ə'mɛrəkə hæv bɪ:n dɪs'kʌvərd ɪf kə'lʌmbəs hadn't meɪd hɪz 'vɔɪəʤ]
They hadn't seen any bears.
[ðeɪ 'hædənt si:n 'ɛnɪ bɛrz]
If he hadn't given me first aid, I wouldn't be here now.
[ɪf hi: hadn't 'gɪvən mi: fə:st eɪd aɪ wouldn't bi: hɪr nau]
If I hadn't gone to the party, I wouldn't have met my wife.
[ɪf aɪ hadn't gɔn tu ðə 'pɑ:tɪ aɪ wouldn't hæv mɛt maɪ waɪf]
We would have arrived at 6.00 if we hadn't got lost.
[wi: wud hæv ər'aɪvd æt 600 ɪf wi: hadn't gɔt lɔst]
Would America have been discovered if C hadn't made his voyage?
[wud ə'mɛrəkə hæv bɪ:n dɪs'kʌvərd ɪf si: 'hædənt meɪd hɪz 'vɔɪəʤ]
I don't know what would have been if I hadn't called my mother
[aɪ don't nəu wɔt wud hæv bɪ:n ɪf aɪ hadn't kɔ:ld maɪ 'mʌðə(r)]
i hadn't time
[aɪ hadn't taɪm]
I hadn't thought of that
[aɪ 'hædənt θɔ:t ɔv ðæt]
The company wouldn't be making so much money now if it hadn't carried out the restructuring programme last year.
[ðə 'kʌmpənɪ 'wudənt bi: 'meɪkɪŋ səu mʌʧ 'mʌnɪ nau ɪf ɪt 'hædənt 'kærɪd aut ðə rɪs'trʌkʧər]
if it hadn't been for you
[ɪf ɪt 'hædənt bɪ:n fɔ:(r) ju:]
I hadn't thought of it that way
[aɪ 'hædənt θɔ:t ɔv ɪt ðæt weɪ]
I wish I hadn't /gone to the bar/
[aɪ wɪʃ aɪ hadn’t gɔn tu ðə bɑ:(r)]
As if I hadn't have enough problems
[æz ɪf aɪ hadn’t hæv ɪ'nʌf 'prɔbləmz]
If you hadn't spent all that money, you would still have now
[ɪf ju: 'hædənt spɛnt ɔ:l ðæt 'mʌnɪ ju: wud stɪl hæv nau]
If you hadn't lied then, I would still trust you.
[ɪf ju: 'hædənt laɪd ðɛn aɪ wud stɪl trʌst ju:]
If it hadn't snowed so much in (the) winter, there wouldn't be so much in (the) winter, there wouldn't be so much water around now.
[ɪf ɪt 'hædənt snəud səu mʌʧ ɪn ðə 'wɪntə(r) ðɛə(r) 'wudənt bi: səu mʌʧ ɪn ðə 'wɪntə(r) ðɛə(r) 'wudənt bi: səu mʌʧ 'wɔ:tə(r) ər'aund nau]
If it hadn't snowed so much in (the) winter, there wouldn't be so much in (the) winter, there wouldn't be so much water around now.
[ɪf ɪt 'hædənt snəud səu mʌʧ ɪn ðə 'wɪntə(r) ðɛə(r) 'wudənt bi: səu mʌʧ ɪn ðə 'wɪntə(r) ðɛə(r) 'wudənt bi: səu mʌʧ 'wɔ:tə(r) ər'aund nau]
If I hadn't visited Japan, I wouldn't know that life looks like there.
[ɪf aɪ 'hædənt 'vɪzətəd ʤə'pæn aɪ 'wudənt nəu ðæt laɪf luks laɪk ðɛə(r)]

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