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"programu" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
phone in
caller to a radio programme
['kɔ:lə(r) tu ə 'reɪdɪəu 'prəugræm]
I've never used this program before
tv programme schedule
programme development
Now I'm too busy. I haven't watched my favorite program in a month.
on the cover of the programme
[ɔn ðə 'kʌvə(r) ɔv ðə 'prəugræm]
The guest of today's program was band vocalist, name.
[ðə gɛst ɔv today's 'prəugræm wɔz bænd 'vəukəlɪst neɪm]
I am a morning program producer.
[aɪ æm ə 'mɔ:nɪŋ 'prəugræm prə'dju:sə(r)]
Then I print the script of the show / programme.
[ðɛn aɪ prɪnt ðə skrɪpt ɔv ðə ʃəu 'prəugræm]
I manage the show
[aɪ 'mænəʤ ðə ʃəu]
I talk with guest that come to the show.
[aɪ tɔ:k wɪð gɛst ðæt kʌm tu ðə ʃəu]
Often guest refuse to come to the show, because of the early hour.
['ɔ:fən gɛst rɪ'fju:z tu kʌm tu ðə ʃəu bɪ'kɔ:z ɔv ðə 'ə:lɪ 'auə(r)]
Do you think it is OK to answer a phone during a radio show?
[du: ju: θɪŋk ɪt ɪz 'əukeɪ tu 'ɑ:nsə(r) ə fəun 'durɪŋ ə 'reɪdɪəu ʃəu]
program manage
['prəugræm 'mænəʤ]
But he was in a good shape during the show.
[bʌt hi: wɔz ɪn ə gud ʃeɪp 'durɪŋ ðə ʃəu]
under this program
['ʌndə(r) ðɪs 'prəugræm]
an extract of a programme
[ən ɪk'strækt ɔv ə 'prəugræm]
point on the agenda
[ə pɔɪnt ɔn ðə ə'ʤɛndə]
a host
[ə həust]
under the scheme
['ʌndə(r) ðə ski:m]
[meɪn ɪ'vɛnt]
be addicted to a show
[bi: ə'dɪktəd tu ə ʃəu]
The company wouldn't be making so much money now if it hadn't carried out the restructuring programme last year.
[ðə 'kʌmpənɪ 'wudənt bi: 'meɪkɪŋ səu mʌʧ 'mʌnɪ nau ɪf ɪt 'hædənt 'kærɪd aut ðə rɪs'trʌkʧər]
I don't have time to watch my favourite TV show.
[aɪ dəunt hæv taɪm tu wɔʧ maɪ favourite 'ti:vi: ʃəu]
main event
[meɪn ɪ'vɛnt]

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