Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
litigant ['lɪtɪgənt] |
page [peɪʤ] |
side [saɪd] |
website ['wɛbsaɪt] |
home page [həum peɪʤ] |
site [saɪt] |
passive voice ['pæsɪv vɔɪs] |
active voice ['æktɪv vɔɪs] |
arts page | |
flyleaf | |
webpage | |
web page [wɛb peɪʤ] |
cardinal point ['kɑ:dənl pɔɪnt] |
a side | |
prevailing party | |
party ['pɑ:tɪ] |
homepage [homepage] |
site [saɪt] |
third party [θə:d 'pɑ:tɪ] |
side [saɪd] |
side [saɪd] |
problem page ['prɔbləm peɪʤ] |
hand [hænd] |
Side road [saɪd rəud] |
party ['pɑ:tɪ] |
breaching party ['bri:ʧɪŋ 'pɑ:tɪ] |
non-breaching party [nɔn 'bri:ʧɪŋ 'pɑ:tɪ] |
injured party ['ɪnʤərd 'pɑ:tɪ] |
lee [li:] |
veterinary web site ['vɛtrənɛrɪ wɛb saɪt] |
This website says that it's going to rain.Let's not go to the ruins. | |
chat site [ʧæt saɪt] |
the front page [ðə frʌnt peɪʤ] |
party ['pɑ:tɪ] |
page [peɪʤ] |
the party violating the provisions of this paragraph [ðə 'pɑ:tɪ 'vaɪəleɪtɪŋ ðə prə'vɪʒənz ɔv ðɪs 'pærəgrɑ:f] |
party seeking ['pɑ:tɪ 'si:kɪŋ] |
site [saɪt] |
party to the contract ['pɑ:tɪ tu ðə 'kɔntrækt] |
the editorial page [ðə ɛdə'tɔ:ɪəl peɪʤ] |
a page [ə peɪʤ] |
belligerents [bə'lɪʤərənts] |
warring faction ['wɔ:ɪŋ 'fækʃən] |
site [saɪt] |
agony column ['ægənɪ 'kɔləm] |
blog page [blog peɪʤ] |
party to an agreement ['pɑ:tɪ tu ən əg'ri:mənt] |
facet ['fæsɪt] |
third-party [θə:d 'pɑ:tɪ] |
a website [ə 'wɛbsaɪt] |
front page [frʌnt peɪʤ] |
client-side ['klaɪənt saɪd] |
site [saɪt] |
cover the story ['kʌvə(r) ðə 'stɔ:rɪ] |
title page ['taɪtl peɪʤ] |
site [saɪt] |
crowdfunding site [crowdfunding saɪt] |