Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
engineroom | |
jenny ['ʤɛnɪ] |
machine [mə'ʃi:n] |
machinery [mə'ʃi:nərɪ] |
mast [mæst] |
mincingmachine | |
sewingmachine | |
train driver [treɪn 'draɪvə(r)] |
typescript | |
typewriter ['taɪpraɪtə(r)] |
typist ['taɪpɪst] |
razor ['reɪzə(r)] |
mincer ['mɪnsə(r)] |
you are right [ju: ɑ:(r) raɪt] |
pole [pəul] |
sewing machine ['səuɪŋ mə'ʃi:n] |
engine room ['ɛnʤən ru:m] |
engine driver ['ɛnʤən 'draɪvə(r)] |
bender ['bɛndə(r)] |
you're right [jur raɪt] |
spin-drier [spɪn 'draɪə(r)] |
do you fancy going out tonight? [du: ju: 'fænsɪ 'gəuɪŋ aut tə'naɪt] |
can you access the Internet from home? | |
Do you have a chair handy | |
rowing machine ['rəuɪŋ mə'ʃi:n] |
your fly is open | |
have you got a light | |
electric tattooing machine | |
Would you care for a drink? [wud ju: kɛə(r) fɔ:(r) ə drɪŋk] |
you are to do it now! | |
drinks machine [drɪŋks mə'ʃi:n] |
typist ['taɪpɪst] |
you are seventeen [ju: ɑ:(r) sɛvn'ti:n] |
marche ['mɑrtʃɪz] |
have special qualifications | |
You have wife | |
sawing machine ['sɔ:ɪŋ mə'ʃi:n] |
time machine [taɪm mə'ʃi:n] |
shaver ['ʃeɪvə(r)] |
Do you have any experience? [du: ju: hæv 'ɛnɪ ɪk'spɪərɪəns] |
razor, shaver ['reɪzə(r) 'ʃeɪvə(r)] |
lokfuhrer | |
have got a light | |
you have a rash | |
have special equipment | |
calculating machine | |
any idea how to go about it | |
Hove you got any idea how long they'll be? | |
Have you got an email friend? [hæv ju: gɔt ən ɪ'meɪl frɛnd] |
marche on [mɑ:ʃ ɔn] |
Nice place you've got here. [naɪs pleɪs jju:v gɔt hɪr] |
meat grinder | |
razor ['reɪzə(r)] |
you mean... | |
You've got the flu. [jju:v gɔt ðə flu:] |
do you hope you'll speak English well [du: ju: həup jju:l spi:k 'ɪŋglɪʃ wɛl] |
do you hope the weather will be nice tomorrow [du: ju: həup ðə 'wɛðə(r) wɪl bi: naɪs tə'mɑ:əu] |
you fancy a change [ju: 'fænsɪ ə ʧeɪnʤ] |
Do you have a car? [du: ju: hæv ə kɑ:(r)] |
Do you have any cousins? | |
Do you fancy a cup of coffee [du: ju: 'fænsɪ ə kʌp ɔv 'kɔfɪ] |
What about a beer? | |
you have a say in [ju: hæv ə seɪ ɪn] |
Have yoo got a temperature? | |
you sound frightened | |
you are not supposed to move | |
you are to climb the wall | |
the machinery stood idle | |
you had a really becoming hat on | |
you got a puncture [ju: gɔt ə 'pʌŋkʧə(r)] |
What about a beer [wɔt ə'baut ə bɪə(r)] |
You have got too much luggage | |
difference engine ['dɪfərəns 'ɛnʤən] |
Do you have a lot of money on you? [du: ju: hæv ə lɔt ɔv 'mʌnɪ ɔn ju:] |
engine- driver ['ɛnʤən 'draɪvə(r)] |
the steam engine [ðə sti:m 'ɛnʤən] |
safety-razor ['seɪftɪ 'reɪzə(r)] |
meat chopper [mi:t 'ʧɔpə(r)] |
march [mɑ:ʧ] |
You have a middle name? [ju: hæv ə 'mɪdl neɪm] |
I also have a middle name? [aɪ 'ɔ:lsəu hæv ə 'mɪdl neɪm] |
machinery [mə'ʃi:nərɪ] |
Machines [mə'ʃi:nz] |
you're absolutely right [you're æbsə'lu:tlɪ raɪt] |
testing machine ['tɛstɪŋ mə'ʃi:n] |
machine [mə'ʃi:n] |
would you like a snack [wud ju: laɪk ə snæk] |
You are right. [ju: ɑ:(r) raɪt] |
You're absolutely right. [You're æbsə'lu:tlɪ raɪt] |
food machine [fu:d mə'ʃi:n] |
you are supposed to be [ju: ɑ:(r) sɪ'pəuzd tu bi:] |
moulding machine ['məuldɪŋ mə'ʃi:n] |
you have a point there [ju: hæv ə pɔɪnt ðɛə(r)] |
Do you fancy a cup of coffee? [du: ju: 'fænsɪ ə kʌp ɔv 'kɔfɪ] |
Do you have photos of the wedding [du: ju: hæv 'fəutəuz ɔv ðə 'wɛdɪŋ] |
You have a beautiful face [ju: hæv ə 'bju:tɪful feɪs] |
You have soft skin [ju: hæv sɔft skɪn] |
You have very small ears [ju: hæv 'vɛrɪ smɔ:l ɪərz] |
You have very white teeth [ju: hæv 'vɛrɪ waɪt ti:θ] |
You have black hair [ju: hæv blæk hɛə(r)] |