Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
How do I get to Marszałkowska? [hau du: aɪ gɛt tu Marszałkowska] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
frown [fraun] |
marshal ['mɑ:ʃəl] |
ruffle ['rʌfəl] |
to frown [tu fraun] |
wrinkle ['rɪŋkl] |
march [mɑ:ʧ] |
frown [fraun] |
frowning ['fraunɪŋ] |
to frown [tu fraun] |
frown [fraun] |
field marshal | |
stanisław małachowski | |
protest march ['prəutɛst mɑ:ʧ] |
creased [creased] |
the Speaker (of the House) [ðə 'spi:kə(r) ɔv ðə haus] |
sponsored walk ['spɔnsərd wɔ:k] |
Marshal of Poland ['mɑ:ʃəl ɔv 'pəulənd] |
peace march [pi:s mɑ:ʧ] |
the Speaker of the House [ðə 'spi:kə(r) ɔv ðə haus] |
frowned [fraund] |
march in battle order [mɑ:ʧ ɪn 'bætl 'ɔ:də(r)] |
loaded march ['ləudəd mɑ:ʧ] |
marches in battle order ['mɑ:ʧɪz ɪn 'bætl 'ɔ:də(r)] |
wrinkling ['rɪŋkəlɪŋ] |
off to bed with you [ɔf tu bɛd wɪð ju:] |
ruffle ['rʌfəl] |
foot march [fut mɑ:ʧ] |
marshal ['mɑ:ʃəl] |
march [mɑ:ʧ] |
the speaker presides over the lower house of the British Parliament [ðə 'spi:kə(r) prɪ'zaɪdz 'əuvə(r) ðə 'ləuə(r) haus ɔv ðə 'brɪtɪʃ 'pɑ:ləmənt] |
march [mɑ:ʧ] |
frowning ['fraunɪŋ] |