Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"taki" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
taking care of animals takes up a lot of time
taking from
['teɪkɪŋ frɔm]
taking orders
['teɪkɪŋ 'ɔ:dərz]
taking place
taking exams
['teɪkɪŋ ɪg'zæmz]
takie action
taking account
['teɪkɪŋ ə'kaunt]
taking photographs
['teɪkɪŋ 'fəutəgræfs]
taking photos
['teɪkɪŋ 'fəutəuz]
taking into consideration
['teɪkɪŋ 'ɪntu kənsɪdə'reɪʃən]
taking from
['teɪkɪŋ frɔm]
taking all above findings into consideration we should
taking place at the football ground
taking part in various actions
taking place just now
['teɪkɪŋ pleɪs ʤʌst nau]
taking from
['teɪkɪŋ frɔm]
taking photographs of birds
taking part in social live
['teɪkɪŋ pɑ:t ɪn 'səuʃl lɪv]
taking photos is forbidden here
['teɪkɪŋ 'fəutəuz ɪz fə'bɪdn hɪr]
taking sth into consideration
['teɪkɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ 'ɪntu kənsɪdə'reɪʃən]
taking away
['teɪkɪŋ ə'weɪ]
taking pictures
['teɪkɪŋ 'pɪkʧərz]
taking time out
['teɪkɪŋ taɪm aut]
taking off
['teɪkɪŋ ɔf]
taking subject
['teɪkɪŋ səb'ʤɛkt]
taking a driving course
['teɪkɪŋ ə 'draɪvɪŋ kɔ:s]
taking everything into account
['teɪkɪŋ 'ɛvrɪθɪŋ 'ɪntu ə'kaunt]
taking early retirement
['teɪkɪŋ 'ə:lɪ rɪ'taɪəmənt]
taking a stroll
['teɪkɪŋ ə strəul]
taking out
['teɪkɪŋ aut]
taking part
['teɪkɪŋ pɑ:t]
taking a degree
['teɪkɪŋ ə dɪ'gri:]
taking everything into consideration
['teɪkɪŋ 'ɛvrɪθɪŋ 'ɪntu kənsɪdə'reɪʃən]
Taking ... into consideration
['teɪkɪŋ 'ɪntu kənsɪdə'reɪʃən]
taking part in
['teɪkɪŋ pɑ:t ɪn]
taking care of children
['teɪkɪŋ kɛə(r) ɔv 'ʧɪldrən]
taking care of
['teɪkɪŋ kɛə(r) ɔv]
taking a break
['teɪkɪŋ ə breɪk]
taking ou
['teɪkɪŋ u:]
taking over
['teɪkɪŋ 'əuvə(r)]
taking up a sport
['teɪkɪŋ ʌp ə spɔ:t]
Taking your time, are you?
['teɪkɪŋ jɔ:(r) taɪm ɑ:(r) ju:]

"taki" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
such a ...
[sʌʧ ə]
the same
[ðə seɪm]
such as
[sʌʧ æz]
That`s life!
[ðæts laɪf]
the same ...as
[ðə seɪm æz]
the same as
[ðə seɪm æz]
the same way
[ðə seɪm weɪ]
the same mistakes
the same... as
[ðə seɪm æz]
as... as
[æz ... æz]
taki... jak, tak... jak
such as...
[sʌʧ æz ...]
[səu səu]
such as
[sʌʧ æz]
the same colour
by hook or by crook
[baɪ huk ɔ:(r) baɪ kruk]
such cases
[sʌʧ 'keɪsɪz]
such is life
[sʌʧ ɪz laɪf]
the same as ever
[ðə seɪm æz 'ɛvə(r)]
such as generalized audit software
such a way
[səu səu]
that is life
[ðæt ɪz laɪf]
same / the same
[seɪm ðə seɪm]
such lovely
[sʌʧ 'lʌvlɪ]
so untidy
[səu ʌn'taɪdɪ]
so that
[səu ðæt]
face value
at their face value
same as
[seɪm æz]
such an impatient boy
capable of selling
such as
[sʌʧ æz]
bohater dynamiczny
such women
self explanatory
such is the common notion
[sʌʧ ɪz ðə 'kɔmən 'nəuʃən]
portfolio management
[pɔ:r'tfəulɪəu 'mænəʤmənt]
such issues as taxes split people
[sʌʧ 'ɪʃuz æz 'tæksɪz splɪt 'pi:pl]
Such spots as forest mountains are the best if you want to go camping
[sʌʧ spɔts æz 'fɔ:ɪst 'mauntənz ɑ:(r) ðə bɛst ɪf ju: wɔnt tu gəu 'kæmpɪŋ]
such a date seems corny
[sʌʧ ə deɪt si:mz 'kɔ:nɪ]
this things happen
[ðɪs θɪŋz 'hæpən]
just my luck
[ʤʌst maɪ lʌk]
tone - deaf
[təun dɛf]
such as
[sʌʧ æz]
that's life
[that's laɪf]
such as some
[sʌʧ æz sʌm]
such a clever guy
[sʌʧ ə 'klɛvə(r) gaɪ]
the same (as)
[ðə seɪm æz]
my yacht's rig is fallen down
[maɪ yacht's rɪg ɪz 'fɔ:lən daun]
He's such a glutton for work
[He's sʌʧ ə glutton fɔ:(r) wə:k]
These are the rules
[ði:z ɑ:(r) ðə ru:lz]
this same
[ðɪs seɪm]
the likes of something
[ðə laɪks ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ]
Not unlike yourself.
[nɔt ʌn'laɪk jər'sɛlf]
[səu ænd səu]
so and so
[səu ænd səu]
The audible warning device
[ðə 'ɔ:dɪbl 'wɔ:nɪŋ dɪ'vaɪs]
such as
[sʌʧ æz]
such that
[sʌʧ ðæt]
the same distance
[ðə seɪm 'dɪstəns]
These things happen
[ði:z θɪŋz 'hæpən]
the same... as...
[ðə seɪm æz]
taki sam... jak...
One like that.
[wʌn laɪk ðæt]
such things
[sʌʧ θɪŋz]
such things
[sʌʧ θɪŋz]
such things
[sʌʧ θɪŋz]
such things
[sʌʧ θɪŋz]
such things
[sʌʧ θɪŋz]
such things
[sʌʧ θɪŋz]
such things
[sʌʧ θɪŋz]
such things
[sʌʧ θɪŋz]
such things
[sʌʧ θɪŋz]
such things
[sʌʧ θɪŋz]
such things
[sʌʧ θɪŋz]
lunch like this is not to be sneezed at
[lʌnʧ laɪk ðɪs ɪz nɔt tu bi: sni:zd æt]
Do you truly think so little of me?
[du: ju: 'tru:lɪ θɪŋk səu 'lɪtl ɔv mi:]

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