Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
right there [raɪt ðɛə(r)] |
huh | |
huh [hʌ] |
just so [ʤʌst səu] |
just [ʤʌst] |
famous last word ['feɪməs lɑ:st wə:d] |
We are just about to leave [wi: ɑ:(r) ʤʌst ə'baut tu li:v] |
This is what I'm interested in [ðɪs ɪz wɔt aɪm 'ɪntrɪstəd ɪn] |
Like hell! In a pig eye [laɪk hɛl ɪn ə pɪg aɪ] |
just as, the moment (when) [ʤʌst æz ðə 'məumənt wɛn] |
that'll be the day ['ðætl bi: ðə deɪ] |