Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
these [ði:z] |
these days [ði:z deɪz] |
these days [ði:z deɪz] |
these are my best friends [ði:z ɑ:(r) maɪ bɛst frɛndz] |
These papers could be used as evidence against the | |
These papers could be used as evidence against the | |
these are [ði:z ɑ:(r)] |
these are [ði:z ɑ:(r)] |
these [ði:z] |
these wounds won seem to heal | |
These cars are red | |
These produce energy on windy days. | |
These shoes are an excellent fit [ði:z ʃu:z ɑ:(r) ən 'ɛksələnt fɪt] |
These volenteers are helping clean the park. | |
These animals live in the northern Russia. | |
These volunteers plant a tree. | |
these [ði:z] |
These are my parents. They met during college. | |
These are my uncle and aunt. My uncle is my father's younger brother. | |
These sisters are twins. | |
These techniques require everyone in a company to learn how to think and work differently. [ði:z tek'ni:ks ri:k'waɪə(r) 'ɛvrɪwʌn ɪn ə 'kʌmpənɪ tu lə:n hau tu θɪŋk ænd wə:k 'dɪfrəntlɪ] |
These are my parents. [ði:z ɑ:(r) maɪ 'pɛərənts] |
these cakes make my mouth water [ði:z keɪks meɪk maɪ mauθ 'wɔ:tə(r)] |
These produce a lot of electricity unless it's cloudy. | |
these arguments carry convincion | |
these days [ði:z deɪz] |
These are today's rates of exchange. | |
These children watch their favorite television program every afternoon at 3.00. | |
These children watch their favorite television program every afternoon at 3.00. | |
These children often wach tv. Their favorite program is on Saturday at 8.00. | |
These childrem rarely wach tv because they prefer playing together. | |
these thoughts give rise to a search | |
These cans are being recycled. | |
These use the sun's energy to produce electricity. [ði:z ju:s ðə sʌnz 'ɛnərʤɪ tu prə'du:s ɪlɛk'trɪsɪtɪ] |
These bottles are in the trash. [ði:z 'bɔtəlz ɑ:(r) ɪn ðə træʃ] |
These bottles are going to be recycled. [ði:z 'bɔtəlz ɑ:(r) 'gəuɪŋ tu bi: rɪ'saɪkəld] |
these goods are available immediately from stock [ði:z gudz ɑ:(r) ə'veɪləbl ɪ'mi:dɪətlɪ frɔm stɔk] |
these days [ði:z deɪz] |
These are my friends [ði:z ɑ:(r) maɪ frɛndz] |
These are my children [ði:z ɑ:(r) maɪ 'ʧɪldrən] |
These fruit [ði:z fru:t] |
These companies are direct competitors [ði:z 'kʌmpənɪz ɑ:(r) dər'ɛkt kəm'pɛtətərz] |
These mosquitoes are a nuisance [ði:z məs'ki:təz ɑ:(r) ə 'nju:sɪns] |
These hints were misleading [ði:z hɪnts wə:(r) mɪs'li:dɪŋ] |
theses ['θi:sɪz] |
these trainers are Ł 50 [ði:z 'treɪnərz ɑ:(r) Ł 50] |
these oranges are Ł 1.99 a kilogram [ði:z 'ɔ:ənʤəz ɑ:(r) Ł 199 ə 'kɪləgræm] |
These exercises that I'm doing are really difficult [ði:z 'ɛksərsaɪzəz ðæt I'm 'dju:ɪŋ ɑ:(r) 'rɪlɪ 'dɪfɪkəlt] |
these [ði:z] |
These are not my suitcases [ði:z ɑ:(r) nɔt maɪ 'sju:tkeɪsɪz] |
these [ði:z] |
these transmit nerve impulses from the brain to the muscles [ði:z træn'zmɪt nə:v 'ɪmpəlsɪz frɔm ðə breɪn tu ðə 'mʌsɪlz] |
these transmit the impulses from the muscles back to the brain [ði:z træn'zmɪt ðə 'ɪmpəlsɪz frɔm ðə 'mʌsɪlz bæk tu ðə breɪn] |
these [ði:z] |
these [ði:z] |
These three photos show [ði:z θri: 'fəutəuz ʃəu] |
These women are also less than content with their husbands' efforts at home. [ði:z 'wɪmɪn ɑ:(r) 'ɔ:lsəu lɛs ðæn 'kɔntent wɪð ðɛə(r) husbands' 'ɛfərts æt həum] |
These fruit. [ði:z fru:t] |
these boats or those boats? [ði:z bəuts ɔ:(r) ðəuz bəuts] |
These are the rules [ði:z ɑ:(r) ðə ru:lz] |
These chairs are small [ði:z ʧɛrz ɑ:(r) smɔ:l] |
these books are for them [ði:z buks ɑ:(r) fɔ:(r) ðɛm] |
These are James's pens. [ði:z ɑ:(r) 'ʤeɪmzɪz pɛnz] |
These are the students' desks. [ði:z ɑ:(r) ðə students' dɛsks] |
These are ostriches [ði:z ɑ:(r) 'ɔstrɪʧɪz] |
These are snakes [ði:z ɑ:(r) sneɪks] |
These dogs [ði:z dɔgz] |
These rules apply to [ði:z ru:lz ə'plaɪ tu] |
These are books [ði:z ɑ:(r) buks] |
These things happen [ði:z θɪŋz 'hæpən] |
these clothes [ði:z kləuðz] |
These biscuits are cheaper than those ones. [ði:z 'bɪskɪts ɑ:(r) 'ʧi:pə(r) ðæn ðəuz wʌnz] |
these are not [ði:z ɑ:(r) nɔt] |
These jeans are too loose [ði:z ʤi:nz ɑ:(r) tu: lu:s] |
These vagabond shoes [ði:z 'vægəbɑnd ʃu:z] |
These little town blues [ði:z 'lɪtl taun blu:z] |
These are a few of my favourite things! [ði:z ɑ:(r) ə fju: ɔv maɪ favourite θɪŋz] |
These are a few of my favourite things! [ði:z ɑ:(r) ə fju: ɔv maɪ favourite θɪŋz] |
These are a few of my favourite things! [ði:z ɑ:(r) ə fju: ɔv maɪ favourite θɪŋz] |
These are a few of my favourite things! [ði:z ɑ:(r) ə fju: ɔv maɪ favourite θɪŋz] |
These are a few of my favourite things! [ði:z ɑ:(r) ə fju: ɔv maɪ favourite θɪŋz] |
these T-shirt is too expensive [ði:z ti: ʃə:t ɪz tu: ɪk'spɛnsɪv] |
These are too tight [ði:z ɑ:(r) tu: taɪt] |
these are [ði:z ɑ:(r)] |
these are [ði:z ɑ:(r)] |
These books are ours. [ði:z buks ɑ:(r) 'auərz] |
These drops of rain are huge. [ði:z drɔps ɔv reɪn ɑ:(r) hju:ʤ] |
These books are interesting [ði:z buks ɑ:(r) 'ɪntrɪstɪŋ] |
These books are about history [ði:z buks ɑ:(r) ə'baut 'hɪstərɪ] |
These paintings are well know. [ði:z 'peɪntɪŋz ɑ:(r) wɛl nəu] |
These ones? No, those ones. [ði:z wʌnz nəu ðəuz wʌnz] |
These are my suitcases [ði:z ɑ:(r) maɪ 'sju:tkeɪsɪz] |
These people are American and those are British [ði:z 'pi:pl ɑ:(r) ə'mɛrəkən ænd ðəuz ɑ:(r) 'brɪtɪʃ] |
These stairs are dangerous [ði:z stɑ:z ɑ:(r) 'deɪnʤrəs] |
These cars are fast [ði:z kɑ:z ɑ:(r) fɑ:st] |
These films are interesting [ði:z fɪlmz ɑ:(r) 'ɪntrɪstɪŋ] |
These teams are not interesting [ðɪs ti:mz ɑ:(r) nɔt 'ɪntrɪstɪŋ] |
These shoes are very elegant [ði:z ʃu:z ɑ:(r) 'vɛrɪ 'ɛlɪgənt] |
These photographs are very old [ði:z 'fəutəgræfs ɑ:(r) 'vɛrɪ əuld] |
these shoes are very elegant but these ones are not [ði:z ʃu:z ɑ:(r) 'vɛrɪ 'ɛlɪgənt eɪl ði:z wʌnz ɑ:(r) nɔt] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
conventional [kən'vɛnʃənl] |