Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
blood consist of red blood cells white blood cells platelets and plasma [blʌd kən'sɪst ɔv rɛd blʌd sɛlz waɪt blʌd sɛlz 'pleɪtləts ænd 'plæzmə] |
a white-color crime [ə waɪt color kraɪm] |
a white-collar crime [ə waɪt 'kɔlə(r) kraɪm] |
a white collar crime [ə waɪt 'kɔlə(r) kraɪm] |
What about the man in the white shorts? [wɔt ə'baut ðə mæn ɪn ðə waɪt ʃɔ:ts] |
These are a few of my favourite things! [ði:z ɑ:(r) ə fju: ɔv maɪ favourite θɪŋz] |
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes [gə:lz ɪn waɪt 'drɛsɪz wɪð blu: 'sætn 'sæʃɪz] |