Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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"moich" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
on my birthday
[ɔn maɪ 'bə:θdeɪ]
during my holidays
['durɪŋ maɪ 'hɔlədeɪz]
in my dreams
my grandchildren's names
[maɪ 'grænʧɪldrənz neɪmz]
a party for my grandsons
[ə 'pɑ:tɪ fɔ:(r) maɪ 'grændsnz]
Not one of my duties
[nɔt wʌn ɔv maɪ 'dju:tɪz]
I am writing to express my disagreement with...
Every night in my dreams
she isn't answering my phone calls
[ʃi: 'ɪzənt 'ɑ:nsərɪŋ maɪ fəun kɔ:lz]
The film didn't live up to my expectations.
I like being an only child because I don't have to share my toys.
I can always count on my friends
[aɪ kæn 'ɔ:lweɪz kaunt ɔn maɪ frɛndz]
They didn't take my comic books
My greatest strength is my drive to achieve my goals and solving problems.
This is my parents’ house.
Don't interfere with my plans
[dəunt ɪntər'fɪr wɪð maɪ plænz]
none of my schoolmates
a man/women of my dreams
on my mind
[ɔn maɪ maɪnd]
Climbing rocks is one of my favourite leisure time activities
['klaɪmɪŋ rɔks ɪz wʌn ɔv maɪ favourite 'lɛʒə(r) taɪm æk'tɪvɪtɪz]
I would like to change the color of my hair to black.
Painting is one of my hobbies.
['peɪntɪŋ ɪz wʌn ɔv maɪ 'hɔbɪz]
I'm interested in music. Playing piano is one of my hobbies.
[aɪm 'ɪntrɪstəd ɪn 'mju:zɪk 'pleɪɪŋ pɪ'ænə ɪz wʌn ɔv maɪ 'hɔbɪz]
During my travels across the world I discovered ...
['durɪŋ maɪ 'trævəlz ək'rɔs ðə wə:ld aɪ dɪs'kʌvərd]
Please meet my friends
[pli:z mi:t maɪ frɛndz]
My main duties included
[maɪ meɪn 'dju:tɪz ɪn'klu:dəd]
Don't interfere with my plans
[Don't ɪntər'fɪr wɪð maɪ plænz]
She has no regard for my feelings
[ʃi: hæz nəu rɪ'gɑ:d fɔ:(r) maɪ 'fi:lɪŋz]
i'm looking for my sunglasses
[i'm 'lukɪŋ fɔ:(r) maɪ 'sʌnglæsɪz]
I can't feel my legs
[aɪ kænt fi:l maɪ lɛgz]
I spotted one of my favorite dishes
[aɪ 'spɔtəd wʌn ɔv maɪ 'feɪvərɪt 'dɪʃəz]
for my parents
[fɔ:(r) maɪ 'pɛərənts]
That girl is one of my best friends
[ðæt gə:l ɪz wʌn ɔv maɪ bɛst frɛndz]
I couldn't find my shoes yesterday
[aɪ couldn't faɪnd maɪ ʃu:z 'jɛstərdeɪ]
from day of my birth
[frɔm deɪ ɔv maɪ bə:θ]
You didn't even consider my feelings
[ju: didn't 'i:vn kən'sɪdə(r) maɪ 'fi:lɪŋz]
I am confident about my ability
[aɪ æm 'kɔnfɪdənt ə'baut maɪ ə'bɪlɪtɪ]
I am planning to visit my parents in December
[aɪ æm 'plænɪŋ tu 'vɪzɪt maɪ 'pɛərənts ɪn dɪ'sɛmbə(r)]
I am planning to visit my parents in December.
[aɪ æm 'plænɪŋ tu 'vɪzɪt maɪ 'pɛərənts ɪn dɪ'sɛmbə(r)]
I'm walking in my favourite shoes
[I'm 'wɔ:kɪŋ ɪn maɪ favourite ʃu:z]
you are on my mind
[ju: ɑ:(r) ɔn maɪ maɪnd]
I enclose my CV from my previous employers.
[aɪ ɪn'kləuz maɪ CV frɔm maɪ 'pri:vɪəs em'plɔɪərz]
My salary is still insufficient to meet my basic needs.
[maɪ 'sælərɪ ɪz stɪl ɪnsə'fɪʃənt tu mi:t maɪ 'beɪsɪk ni:dz]
I will see my parents and the rest of the family.
[aɪ wɪl si: maɪ 'pɛərənts ænd ðə rɛst ɔv ðə 'fæməlɪ]
he's always on my back
[he's 'ɔ:lweɪz ɔn maɪ bæk]
appear in some of my snaps
[ə'pɪə(r) ɪn sʌm ɔv maɪ snæps]
Greetings for you from my parents.
['gri:tɪŋz fɔ:(r) ju: frɔm maɪ 'pɛərənts]
What time will I have to get there to talk to the guy about my private problems that I haven't solved yet?
[wɔt taɪm wɪl aɪ hæv tu gɛt ðɛə(r) tu tɔ:k tu ðə gaɪ ə'baut maɪ 'praɪvɪt 'prɔbləmz ðæt aɪ haven't sɔlvd ]
I think they will cut off my electricity because of not paying my bills regularly.
[aɪ θɪŋk ðeɪ wɪl kʌt ɔf maɪ ɪlɛk'trɪsɪtɪ bɪ'kɔ:z ɔv nɔt 'peɪɪŋ maɪ bɪlz 'rɛgjulərlɪ]
my sisters' husbands
[maɪ sisters' 'hʌzbəndz]
He will master a few foreign languages if he follows my advice.
[hi: wɪl 'mɑ:stə(r) ə fju: 'fɔ:ən 'læŋgwəʤəz ɪf hi: 'fɔləz maɪ əd'vaɪs]
look after my things for me
[luk 'ɑ:ftə(r) maɪ θɪŋz fɔ:(r) mi:]
it is like You were reading in my mind
[ɪt ɪz laɪk ju: wə:(r) 'rɛdɪŋ ɪn maɪ maɪnd]
matches both my personal and professional interests
['mæʧəz bəuθ maɪ 'pə:sɪnl ænd prə'fɛʃənl 'ɪntrɪsts]
my parents' bedroom
[maɪ parents' 'bɛdrum]
My duties included serving customers as well as shelf-filling and answering phone.
[maɪ 'dju:tɪz ɪn'klu:dəd 'sə:vɪŋ 'kʌstəmərz æz wɛl æz ʃɛlf 'fɪlɪŋ ænd 'ɑ:nsərɪŋ fəun]
my customers' reviews
[maɪ customers' rɪ'vju:z]
before my very eyes
[bɪ'fɔ:(r) maɪ 'vɛrɪ aɪz]
You took the words right out of my mouth.
[ju: tuk ðə wə:dz raɪt aut ɔv maɪ mauθ]
a postcard from a student of mine
[ə 'pəustkɑrd frɔm ə 'stju:dənt ɔv maɪn]
I'm going to do this on behalf of my employees.
[I'm 'gəuɪŋ tu du: ðɪs ɔn bɪ'hæf ɔv maɪ em'plɔɪɪz]
I can make myself at home in a hotel room by unpacking my bags
[aɪ kæn meɪk maɪ'sɛlf æt həum ɪn ə hə'tɛl ru:m baɪ ən'pækɪŋ maɪ bægz]
he showed consideration for my feelings
[hi: ʃəud kənsɪdə'reɪʃən fɔ:(r) maɪ 'fi:lɪŋz]
everything rests in my hands
['ɛvrɪθɪŋ rɛsts ɪn maɪ hændz]
One of my responsibilities is...
[wʌn ɔv maɪ rɪspɑnsɪ'bɪlɪtɪz ɪz]
Neither of my parents likes my boyfriend.
['naɪðə(r) ɔv maɪ 'pɛərənts laɪks maɪ 'bɔɪfrɛnd]
ones of my favourites
[wʌnz ɔv maɪ favourites]
Don't hurt my feelings!
[Don't hə:t maɪ 'fi:lɪŋz]
I never recall my promises.
[aɪ 'nɛvə(r) 'ri:kɔ:l maɪ 'prɔmɪsɪz]
which of my colleagues
[wɪʧ ɔv maɪ 'kɔli:gz]
In my eyes
[ɪn maɪ aɪz]
I would like to introduce my employees
[aɪ wud laɪk tu ɪntrə'du:s maɪ em'plɔɪɪz]
to my knowledge
[tu maɪ 'nɔləʤ]
despite my disappointments
[dɪs'paɪt maɪ dɪsɪ'pɔɪntmənts]
My duties included ...
[maɪ 'dju:tɪz ɪn'klu:dəd]
One of my main responsibilities is
[wʌn ɔv maɪ meɪn rɪspɑnsɪ'bɪlɪtɪz ɪz]
I committed a lot of time and money to raising my children
[aɪ kə'mɪtɪd ə lɔt ɔv taɪm ænd 'mʌnɪ tu 'reɪzɪŋ maɪ 'ʧɪldrən]
They go well with my new trainers
[ðeɪ gəu wɛl wɪð maɪ nju: 'treɪnərz]
we do it on my terms
[wi: du: ɪt ɔn maɪ tə:mz]
It is one of my most vivid memories.
[ɪt ɪz wʌn ɔv maɪ məust 'vɪvəd 'mɛmərɪz]
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
[braun 'peɪpə(r) 'pækəʤəz taɪd ʌp wɪð strɪŋz]
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
[waɪld gi:s ðæt flaɪ wɪð ðə mu:n ɔn ðɛə(r) wɪŋz]
These are a few of my favourite things!
[ði:z ɑ:(r) ə fju: ɔv maɪ favourite θɪŋz]
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eye lashes
['snəufleɪks ðæt steɪ ɔn maɪ nəuz ænd aɪ 'læʃɪz]
I simply remember
[aɪ 'sɪmplɪ rɪ'mɛmbə(r)]
These are a few of my favourite things!
[ði:z ɑ:(r) ə fju: ɔv maɪ favourite θɪŋz]
my favourite things
[maɪ favourite θɪŋz]
We got this car off my parents.
[wi: gɔt ðɪs kɑ:(r) ɔf maɪ 'pɛərənts]
I like my friends very much.
[aɪ laɪk maɪ frɛndz 'vɛrɪ mʌʧ]
And here you can see my grandparents
[ænd hɪr ju: kæn si: maɪ 'grændpɛərənts]
I'm looking for my keys.
[aɪm 'lukɪŋ fɔ:(r) maɪ ki:z]
I don't have to unpack my butt
[aɪ dəunt hæv tu ʌn'pæk maɪ bʌt]
I'm thinking of filming my vacation.
[aɪm 'θɪŋkɪŋ ɔv 'fɪlmɪŋ maɪ ve'keɪʃən]
laugh at my problems
[lɑ:f æt maɪ 'prɔbləmz]
wardrobe full of my clothes
['wɔ:drəub ful ɔv maɪ kləuðz]
As long as you live here, you can use all my stuff
[æz lɔ:ŋ æz ju: lɪv hɪr ju: kæn ju:s ɔ:l maɪ stʌf]
and despite my best efforts,
[ænd dɪs'paɪt maɪ bɛst 'ɛfərts]
I've come regarding my holiday
[I’ve kʌm rɪ'gɑ:dɪŋ maɪ 'hɔlədeɪ]
some of her words sunk in, despite my best intentions
[sʌm ɔv hə:(r) wə:dz sʌŋk ɪn dɪs'paɪt maɪ bɛst ɪn'tɛnʧənz]
In spite of my best endeavours, I couldn't contact her
[ɪn spaɪt ɔv maɪ bɛst endeavours aɪ 'kudənt 'kɔntækt hə:(r)]

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