Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
wild [waɪld] |
wilderness ['wɪldərnəs] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wild strawberries | |
wild [waɪld] |
wild boar [waɪld bɔ:(r)] |
wild [waɪld] |
wilderness ['wɪldərnəs] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wild [waɪld] |
wild game [waɪld geɪm] |
wild strawberry [waɪld 'strɔ:bərɪ] |
wild berries [waɪld 'bɛrɪz] |
wildcast | |
wildlife park ['waɪldlaɪf pɑ:k] |
wildcat ['waɪldkæt] |
wild animals [waɪld 'ænəməlz] |
wild [waɪld] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wildlife cruise ['waɪldlaɪf kru:z] |
wild [waɪld] |
wild horses couldn't drag someone | |
wildlife watchnig | |
wildlife watching | |
wildly ['waɪldlɪ] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wildebeest [wildebeest] |
Wild fowls | |
wildly ['waɪldlɪ] |
Wild celebration. | |
wildlife holiday | |
wildlife reserve ['waɪldlaɪf rɪ'zə:v] |
Wild West [waɪld wɛst] |
wild goose chase [waɪld gju:s ʧeɪs] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wilderness ['wɪldərnəs] |
wild ideas [waɪld aɪ'di:əz] |
wildest dreams ['waɪldɪst dri:mz] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wildlife photographer ['waɪldlaɪf fə'tɔgrəfə(r)] |
wildly ['waɪldlɪ] |
wild wilder the wildest [waɪld 'waɪldə(r) ðə 'waɪldɪst] |
wildly inaccurate ['waɪldlɪ ɪ'nækjərɪt] |
wildly ['waɪldlɪ] |
wilding ['waɪldɪŋ] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wild fire [waɪld 'faɪə(r)] |
wildlife conservation ['waɪldlaɪf kɔnsər'veɪʃən] |
wildfire / bushfire ['waɪldfaɪə(r) bushfire] |
wild mushrooms [waɪld 'mʌʃrumz] |
wild animals species [waɪld 'ænəməlz 'spi:ʃɪz] |
wildlife reserves ['waɪldlaɪf rɪ'zə:vz] |
wild animals [waɪld 'ænəməlz] |
wildlife sanctuaries ['waɪldlaɪf 'sæŋkʧuɛrɪz] |
wildlife trade ['waɪldlaɪf treɪd] |
wild horse [waɪld hɔ:s] |
wildfire ['waɪldfaɪə(r)] |
wilderness ['wɪldərnəs] |
wild guess [waɪld gɛs] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wild [waɪld] |
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings [waɪld gi:s ðæt flaɪ wɪð ðə mu:n ɔn ðɛə(r) wɪŋz] |
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings [waɪld gi:s ðæt flaɪ wɪð ðə mu:n ɔn ðɛə(r) wɪŋz] |
wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] |
wild animal [waɪld 'ænɪməl] |
wild rice [waɪld raɪs] |
wildly optimistic ['waɪldlɪ ɔptɪ'mɪstɪk] |
wild/farm animal [waɪld fɑ:m 'ænɪməl] |
wildlife sanctuaries ['waɪldlaɪf 'sæŋkʧuɛrɪz] |
wildlife habitat ['waɪldlaɪf 'hæbətæt] |
wild guess - not what you had in mind (take) [waɪld gɛs nɔt wɔt ju: hæd ɪn maɪnd teɪk] |
wild cherry [waɪld 'ʧɛrɪ] |
wildlife sanctuary ['waɪldlaɪf 'sæŋkʧuɛrɪ] |
wildlife guidebooks ['waɪldlaɪf 'gaɪdbuks] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
like a mad thing |