Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achieve your goal [ə'ʧi:v jɔ:(r) gəul] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achieve a goal [ə'ʧi:v ə gəul] |
achieve an ambition [ə'ʧi:v ən æm'bɪʃən] |
achieve success [ə'ʧi:v sək'sɛs] |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
achieve nothing | |
achieve an aim [ə'ʧi:v ən eɪm] |
achieve fame and wealth | |
Achieve a desired effect [ə'ʧi:v ə dɪ'zaɪə(r)d ɪ'fɛkt] |
achieve sth [ə'ʧi:v 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
achieve/ reach your goals | |
achieve success | |
achieve objectives | |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achieve a succes | |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achiever [ə'ʧi:və(r)] |
achieve anything by punishing children | |
achieve sb's ambitions [ə'ʧi:v sb's æm'bɪʃənz] |
achieve the competeunfolding of mind | |
achieve their ambitions / make their ambitions come true [ə'ʧi:v ðɛə(r) æm'bɪʃənz meɪk ðɛə(r) æm'bɪʃənz kʌm tru:] |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
achievements [ə'ʧi:vmənts] |
achieve an ambition/a dream/an aim [ə'ʧi:v ən æm'bɪʃən ə dri:m ən eɪm] |
achieve / achievement [ə'ʧi:v ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achieve an objective [ə'ʧi:v ən əb'ʤɛktɪv] |
achieve one's dreams [ə'ʧi:v one's dri:mz] |
achieve progress [ə'ʧi:v 'prɔgrɛs] |
achieve little [ə'ʧi:v 'lɪtl] |
achieve something in life [ə'ʧi:v 'sʌmθɪŋ ɪn laɪf] |
achieve a balance [ə'ʧi:v ə 'bæləns] |
achieve military ends [ə'ʧi:v 'mɪlətɛrɪ ɛndz] |
achieve your goal [ə'ʧi:v jɔ:(r) gəul] |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
achievement-oriented [ə'ʧi:vmənt 'ɔ:ɪɛntəd] |
achieve order [ə'ʧi:v 'ɔ:də(r)] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achieve aims [ə'ʧi:v eɪmz] |
achieved [ə'ʧi:vd] |
achieve a lot in your career [ə'ʧi:v ə lɔt ɪn jɔ:(r) kə'rɪə(r)] |
achieve a deeper, more meaningful view of world around you [ə'ʧi:v ə 'di:pə(r) mɔ:(r) 'mi:nɪŋfəl vju: ɔv wə:ld ər'aund ju:] |
achieve my professional aims [ə'ʧi:v maɪ prə'fɛʃənl eɪmz] |
achieve goals [ə'ʧi:v gəulz] |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
achieve/attain/fulfil/realise an ambition [ə'ʧi:v ə'teɪn ful'fɪl realise ən æm'bɪʃən] |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
achieve one's targets [ə'ʧi:v wʌnz 'tɑ:gəts] |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achieve a goal - to do what you'd planned or hoped to do [ə'ʧi:v ə gəul tu du: wɔt jju:d plænd ɔ:(r) həupt tu du:] |
achieve [ə'ʧi:v] |
Achieve to desired result [ə'ʧi:v tu dɪ'zaɪə(r)d rɪ'zʌlt] |
achieve a purpose/objective [ə'ʧi:v ə 'pə:pəs əb'ʤɛktɪv] |
achiever [ə'ʧi:və(r)] |
achieve goal | |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
achieve a target [ə'ʧi:v ə 'tɑ:gɪt] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
sense of achievement [sɛns ɔv ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
exultant [ɪg'zʌltənt] |
AMBITION [æm'bɪʃən] |
target ['tɑ:gɪt] |
leveraged buyout ['li:vərɪʤd 'baɪaut] |
award [ə'wɔ:d] |
blueprint ['blu:prɪnt] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
hurdle ['hə:dl] |
Tenable ['tɛnəbl] |
deploy [dɪ'plɔɪ] |
achiever [ə'ʧi:və(r)] |
frustrating [frʌs'treɪtɪŋ] |
high-achiever | |
feat [fi:t] |
contribution [kɔntrɪ'bju:ʃən] |
to misfire | |
track record [træk rɪ'kɔ:d] |
to kill two birds with one stone [tu kɪl tju: bə:dz wɪð wʌn stəun] |
storming ['stɔ:mɪŋ] |
norming ['nɔ:mɪŋ] |
mourning ['mɔ:nɪŋ] |
set out [sɛt aut] |
boast [bəust] |
objective [əb'ʤɛktɪv] |
go to great lengths [gəu tu greɪt lɛŋkθs] |
trade-off [treɪd ɔf] |
go to great lenght [gəu tu greɪt lenght] |
praise an achievement [preɪz ən ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
objective [əb'ʤɛktɪv] |
annual objectives ['ænjuəl ə'bʤɛktɪvz] |
people skills ['pi:pl skɪlz] |
milestone ['maɪlstəun] |
pull together [pul tə'gɛðə(r)] |
reach a milestone [ri:ʧ ə 'maɪlstəun] |
set a target [sɛt ə 'tɑ:gɪt] |
ambitious [æm'bɪʃəs] |
self-assessment [sɛlf ə'sɛsmənt] |
whizz kid [wɪz kɪd] |
blueprint ['blu:prɪnt] |
to soar too high [tu sɔ:(r) tu: haɪ] |
achievement [ə'ʧi:vmənt] |
mount a campaign/challenge/protest, etc [maunt ə kæm'peɪn 'ʧælɪnʤ 'prəutɛst etc] |