Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
infamous ['ɪnfəməs] |
achieve fame and wealth | |
to achieve fame, to attain fame, to become famous [tu ə'ʧi:v feɪm tu ə'teɪn feɪm tu bɪ'kʌm 'feɪməs] |
shoot to stardom [ʃu:t tu 'stɑ:dəm] |
gain fame [geɪn feɪm] |
come under spotlight for doing sth [kʌm 'ʌndə(r) 'spɔtlaɪt fɔ:(r) 'dju:ɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
shoot to fame [ʃu:t tu feɪm] |
to seek fame [tu si:k feɪm] |
to gain international fame [tu geɪn ɪntər'næʃənl feɪm] |
become famous/successful [bɪ'kʌm 'feɪməs sɪk'sɛsful] |