Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
the middle of the afternoon [ðə 'mɪdl ɔv ðə 'ɑ:ftər'nu:n] |
good afternoon [gud 'ɑ:ftər'nu:n] |
These children watch their favorite television program every afternoon at 3.00. | |
These children watch their favorite television program every afternoon at 3.00. | |
midafternoon ['mɪdæftərnu:n] |
We're going to play football this afternoon. [We're 'gəuɪŋ tu pleɪ 'futbɔ:l ðɪs 'ɑ:ftər'nu:n] |
The shops always close on Saturday afternoons. [ðə ʃɔps 'ɔ:lweɪz kləus ɔn 'sætɪdeɪ æftər'nu:nz] |