Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
make a long nose | |
nosering | |
with your hands down | |
pick your nose [pɪk jɔ:(r) nəuz] |
pick one's nose [pɪk wʌnz nəuz] |
button nose ['bʌtn nəuz] |
on fer nose | |
She had freckles on her nose [ʃi: hæd 'frɛklz ɔn hə:(r) nəuz] |
turn up | |
Ann has a few freckles on her nose and cheeks [æn hæz ə fju: 'frɛklz ɔn hə:(r) nəuz ænd ʧi:ks] |
be sick and tired of sth/sb [bi: sɪk ænd 'taɪəd ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ 'sʌmbədɪ] |
fed up with sth [fɛd ʌp wɪð 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
pick your nose/ teeth [pɪk jɔ:(r) nəuz ti:θ] |
pick sb's nose [pɪk sb's nəuz] |
he doesn't give a hoot about my opinions [hi: doesn't gɪv ə hu:t ə'baut maɪ ə'pɪnjunz] |
nose stud [nəuz stʌd] |
pierced nose [pɪrst nəuz] |
be sick and tired of [bi: sɪk ænd 'taɪəd ɔv] |
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes [gə:lz ɪn waɪt 'drɛsɪz wɪð blu: 'sætn 'sæʃɪz] |
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eye lashes ['snəufleɪks ðæt steɪ ɔn maɪ nəuz ænd aɪ 'læʃɪz] |
lunch like this is not to be sneezed at [lʌnʧ laɪk ðɪs ɪz nɔt tu bi: sni:zd æt] |
I sneeze at your problems [aɪ sni:z æt jɔ:(r) 'prɔbləmz] |