Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
mitten ['mɪtn] |
to not lift a finger | |
lift a finger | |
stop and point | |
with your hands down | |
tap [tæp] |
beckon ['bɛkən] |
I wouldn't lift a finger [aɪ wouldn't lɪft ə 'fɪŋgə(r)] |
gloves / mittens [glʌvz 'mɪtənz] |
point with finger [pɔɪnt wɪð 'fɪŋgə(r)] |
to beckon [tu 'bɛkən] |
a parent wags his finger at a child [ə 'pɛərənt wægz hɪz 'fɪŋgə(r) æt ə ʧaɪld] |
point your fingers [pɔɪnt jɔ:(r) 'fɪŋgərz] |
to win hands down [tu wɪn hændz daun] |