Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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"względu" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
irrespective of
[ɪrɪs'pɛktɪv ɔv]
on account of
[ɔn ə'kaunt ɔv]
regardless of
[rɪ'gɑ:dlɪs ɔv]
no matter whether you are a student or
no matter
[nəu 'mætə(r)]
on the ground
[ɔn ðə graund]
in consideration of
[ɪn kənsɪdə'reɪʃən ɔv]
regardless of
[rɪ'gɑ:dlɪs ɔv]
in respect of
famous for
['feɪməs fɔ:(r)]
for the sake of
[fɔ:(r) ðə seɪk ɔv]
shopwarn am. / shop-soiled br.
second adult rebate
for quality's sake
[fɔ:(r) quality's seɪk]
come rain or shine
[kʌm reɪn ɔ:(r) ʃaɪn]
for the sake of
[fɔ:(r) ðə seɪk ɔv]
for the sake of sb/sth, for sb's/sth's sake
[fɔ:(r) ðə seɪk ɔv 'sʌmbədɪ 'sʌmθɪŋ fɔ:(r) sb's sth's seɪk]
he gave up smoking for the sake of his health
do it for my sake
we moved out to the country for the children's sake
noted for
['nəutəd fɔ:(r)]
no matter how exhausted they might be
without regard to race
rain or shine
[reɪn ɔ:(r) ʃaɪn]
marked man
[mɑ:kt mæn]
No matter how fast
[nəu 'mætə(r) hau fɑ:st]
on account of
[ɔn ə'kaunt ɔv]
because of its size
[bɪ'kɔ:z ɔv ɪts saɪz]
conscientious objector
[kɔnʃɪ'ɛnʃəs ə'bʤɛktə(r)]
I use rather mild seasonings due to my children
[aɪ ju:s 'ræðə(r) maɪld 'si:zənɪŋz dju: tu maɪ 'ʧɪldrən]
irrespective of sth
[ɪrɪs'pɛktɪv ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ]
due to lack of..
[dju: tu læk ɔv]
because of
[bɪ'kɔ:z ɔv]
for my job
[fɔ:(r) maɪ ʤɔb]
be bound by law
[bi: baund baɪ lɔ:]
lookism / sexism / ageism
[lookism 'sɛksɪzəm ageism]
to be discriminated against sth
[tu bi: dɪs'krɪməneɪtəd ə'gɛnst 'sʌmθɪŋ]
because of
[bɪ'kɔ:z ɔv]
disability allowances
[dɪsə'bɪlɪtɪ ə'lauənsɪz]
regardless of the truth
[rɪ'gɑ:dlɪs ɔv ðə tru:θ]
In view of the increase in our volume of business
[ɪn vju: ɔv ðə ɪn'kri:s ɪn 'auə(r) 'vɔlju:m ɔv 'bɪznəs]
This was an unfortunate oversight due to circumstances beyond our control
[ðɪs wɔz ən ʌn'fɔ:ʧənət 'əuvərsaɪt dju: tu 'sə:kəmstænsɪz bɪ'ɔnd 'auə(r) kən'trəul]
no matter where
[nəu 'mætə(r) wɛə(r)]
because of health reason
[bɪ'kɔ:z ɔv hɛlθ 'ri:zn]
This has been mainly due to
[ðɪs hæz bɪ:n 'meɪnlɪ dju: tu]
due to
[dju: tu]
no matter
[nəu 'mætə(r)]
regardless of the weather
[rɪ'gɑ:dlɪs ɔv ðə 'wɛðə(r)]
[aut teɪk]
owing to payment of remaining amount for
['əuɪŋ tu 'peɪmənt ɔv rɪ'meɪnɪŋ ə'maunt fɔ:(r)]
Due to crisis and lack of student status, my employer decided not to renew my contract.
[dju: tu 'kraɪsɪs ænd læk ɔv 'stju:dənt 'stætəs maɪ em'plɔɪə(r) dɪ'saɪdɪd nɔt tu rɪ'nju: maɪ 'kɔntrækt]
No matter what happens, he is always whining and railing at everything.
[nəu 'mætə(r) wɔt 'hæpənz hi: ɪz 'ɔ:lweɪz 'waɪnɪŋ ænd 'reɪlɪŋ æt 'ɛvrɪθɪŋ]
regardless of the consequences
[rɪ'gɑ:dlɪs ɔv ðə 'kɔnsɪkwɛnsɪz]
no matter how you slice it
[nəu 'mætə(r) hau ju: slaɪs ɪt]
on account of
[ɔn ə'kaunt ɔv]
whatever the consequences for people
[w'tɛvə(r) ðə 'kɔnsɪkwɛnsɪz fɔ:(r) 'pi:pl]
I will be there. No matter what
[aɪ wɪl bi: ðɛə(r) nəu 'mætə(r) wɔt]
equal laws and opportunities to everyone regardless of race or religion
['i:kwl lɔ:z ænd ɑpər'tu:nɪtɪz tu 'ɛvrɪwʌn rɪ'gɑ:dlɪs ɔv reɪs ɔ:(r) rɪ'lɪʤən]
equal laws and opportunities to everyone regardless of race or religion
['i:kwl lɔ:z ænd ɑpər'tu:nɪtɪz tu 'ɛvrɪwʌn rɪ'gɑ:dlɪs ɔv reɪs ɔ:(r) rɪ'lɪʤən]
largely because of the lobby
['lɑ:ʤlɪ bɪ'kɔ:z ɔv ðə 'lɔbɪ]
Venerable (adj.) - Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
['vɛnərəbl adj ə'kɔ:dɪd ə greɪt di:l ɔv rɪs'pɛkt əs'pɛʃlɪ bɪ'kɔ:z ɔv eɪʤ 'wɪzdəm ɔ:(r) 'kærɪktə(r)]
regardless of consequences
[rɪ'gɑ:dlɪs ɔv 'kɔnsɪkwɛnsɪz]

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