Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
complaining about [kəm'pleɪnɪŋ ə'baut] |
complain the government | |
give someone grief | |
compain | |
to complain about | |
complain of nausea | |
moan [məun] |
complain about sth to sb [kəm'pleɪn ə'baut 'sʌmθɪŋ tu 'sʌmbədɪ] |
to complain [tu kəm'pleɪn] |
complain about ..... [kəm'pleɪn ə'baut] |
complain [kəm'pleɪn] |
I m complain about.. | |
compain | |
to complain [tu kəm'pleɪn] |
Complaining about something doesn't change anything. [kəm'pleɪnɪŋ ə'baut 'sʌmθɪŋ 'dʌzənt ʧeɪnʤ 'ɛnɪθɪŋ] |
moaning ['məunɪŋ] |
complain of [kəm'pleɪn ɔv] |
bit sb's head off | |
grumble ['grʌmbl] |
she complained of a nagging headache | |
complain about doing sth [kəm'pleɪn ə'baut 'dju:ɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
complain about [kəm'pleɪn ə'baut] |
make a song and dance about [meɪk ə sɔŋ ænd dæns ə'baut] |
grumbling ['grʌmbəlɪŋ] |
complaining about [kəm'pleɪnɪŋ ə'baut] |
grumble ['grʌmbl] |
complain [kəm'pleɪn] |
complain [kəm'pleɪn] |
complain about the noise [kəm'pleɪn ə'baut ðə nɔɪz] |
to complain [tu kəm'pleɪn] |
to grumble [tu 'grʌmbl] |
overtime hours ['əuvətaɪm 'auərz] |
complains about [kəm'pleɪnz ə'baut] |
complains [kəm'pleɪnz] |
complained [kəm'pleɪnd] |
complain [kəm'pleɪn] |
grumbles ['grʌmbəlz] |
whine [waɪn] |
He grumbled over his bad day [hi: 'grʌmbəld 'əuvə(r) hɪz bæd deɪ] |
to complain about money [tu kəm'pleɪn ə'baut 'mʌnɪ] |
railing at ['reɪlɪŋ æt] |
complain on [kəm'pleɪn ɔn] |
complaininng [complaininng] |
to complain about [tu kəm'pleɪn ə'baut] |
to complain [tu kəm'pleɪn] |