Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
kontrola |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
audit ['ɔ:dɪt] |
auditing ['ɔ:dɪtɪŋ] |
border control ['bɔ:də(r) kən'trəul] |
passport control ['pɑ:spɔ:t kən'trəul] |
scrutiny ['skru:tənɪ] |
security check [sɪ'kjuərɪtɪ ʧɛk] |
birth control | |
customs control ['kʌstəmz kən'trəul] |
control [kən'trəul] |
monitoring performences | |
check-in-desk | |
air-traffic control | |
Internal Control - Integrated Framework [ɪ'ntənəl kəntrəʊl - ɪntəgreɪtəd freɪmwək] |
Internal Control - Integrated Framework | |
controlled [kən'trəuld] |
post release control | |
air traffic control [ɛə(r) 'træfɪk kən'trəul] |
inspection of carry-on baggage | |
baggage check ['bægəʤ ʧɛk] |
check-up | |
quality control ['kwɔlɪtɪ kən'trəul] |
grub [grʌb] |
Milk yield recording control | |
Progeny testing | |
immigration control [ɪməg'reɪʃən kən'trəul] |
tax audit | |
air traffic control | |
parental guidance [pər'ɛntl 'gaɪdəns] |
audit ['ɔ:dɪt] |
road check [rəud ʧɛk] |
general health check ['ʤɛnərəl hɛlθ ʧɛk] |
curb [kə:b] |
environmental-control [ɪnvaɪərn'mɛntl kən'trəul] |
control [kən'trəul] |
control over [kən'trəul 'əuvə(r)] |
the security control [ðə sɪ'kjuərɪtɪ kən'trəul] |
access control ['æksɛs kən'trəul] |
air control [ɛə(r) kən'trəul] |
grips [grɪps] |
tax control [tæks kən'trəul] |
control access to [kən'trəul 'æksɛs tu] |
radar trap ['reɪdɑ:r træp] |
auditing ['ɔ:dɪtɪŋ] |
check [ʧɛk] |
arms control [ɑ:mz kən'trəul] |
security/ security check/ security screening [sɪ'kjuərɪtɪ sɪ'kjuərɪtɪ ʧɛk sɪ'kjuərɪtɪ 'skri:nɪŋ] |
audit ['ɔ:dɪt] |
mission control ['mɪʃən kən'trəul] |
crowd control [kraud kən'trəul] |
RECEPTION INSPECTION [rɪ'sɛpʃən ɪn'spɛkʃən] |
traffic control ['træfɪk kən'trəul] |
portion control five-a-day ['pɔ:ʃən kən'trəul faɪv ə deɪ] |
immigration [ɪməg'reɪʃən] |
review [ri'vju:] |
control [kən'trəul] |
approach control [ə'prəuʧ kən'trəul] |
departure control [dɪ'pɑ:ʧə(r) kən'trəul] |
ground control [graund kən'trəul] |
tower control ['tauə(r) kən'trəul] |
checkup ['ʧɛkʌp] |
traction control ['trækʃən kən'trəul] |
stock and demand control for subordinate material groups [stɔk ænd dɪ'mɑ:nd kən'trəul fɔ:(r) sɪ'bɔ:dəneɪt mə'tɪrɪəl gru:ps] |
control over your time [kən'trəul 'əuvə(r) jɔ:(r) taɪm] |