Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
out of place [aut ɔv pleɪs] |
finish in first place | |
some believing it to be the seat of mental processes [sʌm bɪ'li:vɪŋ ɪt tu bi: ðə si:t ɔv 'mɛntl 'prɔsesɪz] |
tie [taɪ] |
live out [lɪv aut] |
off site [ɔf saɪt] |
I like what you've done with the place [aɪ laɪk wɔt jju:v dʌn wɪð ðə pleɪs] |
The town is a popular tourist spot. [ðə taun ɪz ə 'pɔpjulə(r) 'tuərɪst spɔt] |
dedicated primarily to buildings with low lintel, with little space for torsion springs and narrow side clearance, ['dɛdəkeɪtəd praɪ'mɛrəlɪ tu 'bɪldɪŋz wɪð ləu 'lɪntl wɪð 'lɪtl speɪs fɔ:(r) torsion sprɪŋz ænd 'nɛrə saɪd 'klɪərəns] |