Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
clamour [clamour] |
outcry ['autkraɪ] |
rant [rænt] |
scream [skri:m] |
shout [ʃaut] |
showy ['ʃəuɪ] |
vociferous [və'sɪfərəs] |
meretriciously | |
cry (-ies) | |
Shouting ['ʃautɪŋ] |
gaudy ['gɔ:dɪ] |
yell [jɛl] |
shout for joy [ʃaut fɔ:(r) ʤɔɪ] |
shriek of triumph | |
screaming ['skri:mɪŋ] |
noisy ['nɔɪzɪ] |
shout [ʃaut] |
call [kɔ:l] |
scream [skri:m] |
I shouted to Heniek. [aɪ 'ʃautəd tu Heniek] |
I shouted at Heniek. [aɪ 'ʃautəd æt Heniek] |
shout [ʃaut] |
gaudy ['gɔ:dɪ] |
shout [ʃaut] |
cry [kraɪ] |
vociferously [və'sɪfərɪslɪ] |
scream [skri:m] |
flamboyant [flæm'bɔɪənt] |
gaudy/garish ['gɔ:dɪ 'gɛrɪʃ] |
cry [kraɪ] |
yell [jɛl] |
yell [jɛl] |
He called out from the kitchen [hi: kɔ:ld aut frɔm ðə 'kɪʧɪn] |