Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"sądu" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
seal of the court
[si:l ɔv ðə kɔ:t]
take sb to court
[teɪk 'sʌmbədɪ tu kɔ:t]
take someone to court (to-)
[teɪk 'sʌmwʌn tu kɔ:t tu]
contempt (of court)
[kən'tɛmpt ɔv kɔ:t]
take to court
[teɪk tu kɔ:t]
take... to court
[teɪk ... tu kɔ:t]
court ruling
compulsory winding-up
take somebody to curt
bring an action at law
[brɪŋ ən 'ækʃən æt lɔ:]
to bring a case before a court, to take a case to court
[tu brɪŋ ə keɪs bɪ'fɔ:(r) ə kɔ:t tu teɪk ə keɪs tu kɔ:t]
take sb to court
[teɪk 'sʌmbədɪ tu kɔ:t]
go to court
[gəu tu kɔ:t]
to sue
[tu sju:]
cort ruling
people who break the law are taken to court
['pi:pl hu: breɪk ðə lɔ: ɑ:(r) 'teɪkən tu kɔ:t]
the president of the supreme administrative court
[ðə 'prɛzədɛnt ɔv ðə sɪp'ri:m əd'mɪnɪstreɪtɪv kɔ:t]
the council of judges
[ðə 'kaunsl ɔv 'ʤʌʤɪz]
the general assembly of judges
[ðə 'ʤɛnərəl ə'sɛmblɪ ɔv 'ʤʌʤɪz]
to take legal action
[tu teɪk 'li:gl 'ækʃən]
sue for
[sju: fɔ:(r)]
president of a court
['prɛzədɛnt ɔv ə kɔ:t]
file a statement of claim with a court
[faɪl ə 'steɪtmənt ɔv kleɪm wɪð ə kɔ:t]
principle expressed in the judicature decisions of the Supreme Court
['prɪnsɪpl ɪk'sprɛst ɪn ðə judicature dɪ'sɪʒənz ɔv ðə sɪp'ri:m kɔ:t]
competence of a court
['kɔmpɪtəns ɔv ə kɔ:t]
To file
[tu faɪl]
to bring a lawsuit against sb
[tu brɪŋ ə 'lɔsu:t ə'gɛnst 'sʌmbədɪ]
bring charges
[brɪŋ 'ʧɑ:ʤəz]
threaten sb with legal action
['θrɛtn 'sʌmbədɪ wɪð 'li:gl 'ækʃən]
a Chief Justice
[ə ʧi:f 'ʤʌstəs]
to sue sb for
[tu sju: 'sʌmbədɪ fɔ:(r)]
to sue the journalist
[tu sju: ðə 'ʤə:nəlɪst]
sentence of the court
['sɛntns ɔv ðə kɔ:t]
to take (SB) to court
[tu teɪk 'sʌmbədɪ tu kɔ:t]
sue for sth
[sju: fɔ:(r) 'sʌmθɪŋ]
If you insist on taking your case to court you risk losing everything.
[ɪf ju: ɪn'sɪst ɔn 'teɪkɪŋ jɔ:(r) keɪs tu kɔ:t ju: rɪsk 'lju:zɪŋ 'ɛvrɪθɪŋ]
to take sb to court
[tu teɪk 'sʌmbədɪ tu kɔ:t]
take someone to court
[teɪk 'sʌmwʌn tu kɔ:t]
to take somebody to court
[tu teɪk 'sʌmbədɪ tu kɔ:t]
commence legal proceedings
[kə'mɛns 'li:gl prə'si:dɪŋz]

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