Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
feature ['fi:ʧə(r)] |
biological qualities | |
properties ['prɔpərtɪz] |
chemical properties ['kɛmɪkl 'prɔpərtɪz] |
quality ['kwɔlɪtɪ] |
feature ['fitʃər] | |
feature ['fi:ʧə(r)] |
property ['prɔpətɪ] |
antibacterial qualities [æntɪbæk'tɪrɪəl 'kwɔlɪtɪz] |
property ['prɔpətɪ] |
medicinal properties [mə'dɪsɪnl 'prɔpərtɪz] |
properties ['prɔpərtɪz] |
competence of a court ['kɔmpɪtəns ɔv ə kɔ:t] |
properties of hydrogen ['prɔpərtɪz ɔv 'haɪdrəʤən] |
physical properties ['fɪzɪkl 'prɔpərtɪz] |
physic-chemical properties [physic 'kɛmɪkl 'prɔpərtɪz] |
feature ['fi:ʧə(r)] |
medicinal qualities [mə'dɪsɪnl 'kwɔlɪtɪz] |
selective abilities [sɪ'lɛktɪv ə'bɪlɪtɪz] |
aromatic qualities [ɛrə'mætɪk 'kwɔlɪtɪz] |
burning properties ['bə:nɪŋ 'prɔpərtɪz] |
bending properties ['bɛndɪŋ 'prɔpərtɪz] |
acoustic properties [ə'ku:stɪk 'prɔpərtɪz] |
lubricating properties ['lju:brəkeɪtɪŋ 'prɔpərtɪz] |
rotor mechanical properties ['rəutə(r) mɪ'kænɪkl 'prɔpərtɪz] |
electric motor properties [ɪ'lɛktrɪk 'məutə(r) 'prɔpərtɪz] |