Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
money ['mʌnɪ] |
a hush money | |
money down the drain | |
seed capital | |
cash [kæʃ] |
money ['mʌnɪ] |
Money is the root of all evil. ['mʌnɪ ɪz ðə ru:t ɔv ɔ:l 'i:vl] |
money doesn't give happiness | |
money can buy you happiness | |
money makes the world go round | |
cash hand | |
dosh [dɔʃ] |
The money was divided equally among his children | |
the money saved last year | |
slush fund [slʌʃ fʌnd] |
moneypound [moneypound] |
money (u) ['mʌnɪ jju:] |
hush money [hʌʃ 'mʌnɪ] |
money is no object ['mʌnɪ ɪz nəu 'ɔbʤɪkt] |
money is tied up in... ['mʌnɪ ɪz taɪd ʌp ɪn] |
money talks ['mʌnɪ tɔ:ks] |
money does not grow on trees ['mʌnɪ dʌz nɔt grəu ɔn tri:z] |
money speaks ['mʌnɪ spi:ks] |
fork out money [fɔ:k aut 'mʌnɪ] |
Money doesn't bring happiness. ['mʌnɪ doesn't brɪŋ 'hæpɪnɪs] |
disposable income [dɪs'pəuzəbl 'ɪnkʌm] |
money doesn't grow on trees ['mʌnɪ doesn't grəu ɔn tri:z] |
pay grade [peɪ greɪd] |
Money makes the world go round. ['mʌnɪ meɪks ðə wə:ld gəu raund] |
The money has been spent on open spaces in Sheffield thanks Susan [ðə 'mʌnɪ hæz bɪ:n spɛnt ɔn 'əupən 'speɪsɪz ɪn 'ʃɛfɪld θæŋks 'sju:zən] |
to tighten one's belt [tu 'taɪtn one’s bɛlt] |
Money isn't as valuable to me as knowing who to trust ['mʌnɪ 'ɪzənt æz 'væljubl tu mi: æz 'nəuɪŋ hu: tu trʌst] |
Money is important but not the main factor for me ['mʌnɪ ɪz ɪm'pɔ:tnt bʌt nɔt ðə meɪn 'fæktə(r) fɔ:(r) mi:] |