Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
złodziej okradający sklepy |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
pickpocket ['pɪkpɑkɪt] |
shoplifter ['ʃɔplɪftə(r)] |
thief [θi:f] |
thieves [θi:vz] |
taffer | |
adaptor [ə'dæptə(r)] |
car thieves | |
robber ['rɔbə(r)] |
The thief broke the window and got inside | |
thiet | |
car thief [kɑ:(r) θi:f] |
theft [θɛft] |
shoplifter ['ʃɔplɪftə(r)] |
thieving ['θi:vɪŋ] |
The thief is going to steal the car. | |
THe thieves broke the window to steal the purse. | |
The thief is stealing her passport. | |
A thief stole my purse. | |
light-fingered | |
thievery ['θi:vərɪ] |
a thief is anyone who steals things [ə θi:f ɪz 'ɛnɪwʌn hu: sti:lz θɪŋz] |
thief / thieves [θi:f θi:vz] |
Thieves broke into my house last night [θi:vz brəuk 'ɪntu maɪ haus lɑ:st naɪt] |
robber ['rɔbə(r)] |
robber ['rɔbə(r)] |
robber ['rɔbə(r)] |
thieves [θi:vz] |
time stealer [taɪm 'sti:lə(r)] |
a shoplifter /steal from shops while acting as an ordinary customer/ [ə 'ʃɔplɪftə(r) sti:l frɔm ʃɔps waɪl 'æktɪŋ æz ən 'ɔ:dnrɪ 'kʌstəmə(r)] |
a mugger /attacks and robs people, often in the street/ [ə 'mʌgə(r) ə'tæks ænd rɔbz 'pi:pl 'ɔ:fən ɪn ðə stri:t] |
a thief /is someone who steals/ [ə θi:f ɪz 'sʌmwʌn hu: sti:lz] |
a mugger [ə 'mʌgə(r)] |
thief [θi:f] |
lifter ['lɪftə(r)] |
bag snatcher [bæg 'snæʧə(r)] |
The thief was careless and he left some obvious clues for the police. [ðə θi:f wɔz 'kɛələs ænd hi: lɛft sʌm 'ɔbvɪəs klu:z fɔ:(r) ðə pə'li:s] |
a thief/thieves [ə θi:f θi:vz] |
art thief [ɑ:t θi:f] |
a thief [ə θi:f] |
to thief [tu θi:f] |
The thief took the painting down and put it in his bag. [ðə θi:f tuk ðə 'peɪntɪŋ daun ænd put ɪt ɪn hɪz bæg] |
thief [θi:f] |
rip-off [rɪp ɔf] |
robber ['rɔbə(r)] |
robber ['rɔbə(r)] |
theif [theif] |