Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"utrzymać" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
keep your brain fit
to keep the listener listening
keep fit
[ki:p fɪt]
live on
[lɪv ɔn]
hold down
[həuld daun]
keep a flat
keep fit and healthy
[ki:p fɪt ænd 'hɛlθɪ]
keep in clean
[ki:p ɪn kli:n]
keep in order
to maintain control
[tu meɪn'teɪn kən'trəul]
keep balance
[ki:p 'bæləns]
support the family
maintain the family
[meɪn'teɪn ðə 'fæməlɪ]
keep up
[ki:p ʌp]
hold a record
[həuld ə rɪ'kɔ:d]
hold sb's attention
[həuld sb's ə'tɛnʃən]
keep awake
[ki:p ə'weɪk]
keep in touch
[ki:p ɪn tʌʧ]
to retain ground
[tu rɪ'teɪn graund]
to persist in
[tu pər'sɪst ɪn]
to maintain a balance diet
[tu meɪn'teɪn ə 'bæləns 'daɪət]
to hold the record
[tu həuld ðə rɪ'kɔ:d]
sustain successful
[sɪs'teɪn sɪk'sɛsful]
keep fit
[ki:p fɪt]
keep me going
[ki:p mi: 'gəuɪŋ]
keep sth out
[ki:p 'sʌmθɪŋ aut]
keep a strict diet
[ki:p ə strɪkt 'daɪət]
maintain an upward trend
[meɪn'teɪn ən 'ʌpwərd trɛnd]
keep afloat
[ki:p ə'fləut]
hold the record
[həuld ðə rɪ'kɔ:d]
maintain desirable weight
[meɪn'teɪn dɪ'zaɪrəbl weɪt]
to live up to my name
[tu lɪv ʌp tu maɪ neɪm]
maintain as
[meɪn'teɪn æz]
keep/stay fit
[ki:p steɪ fɪt]
to maintain restrict control
[tu meɪn'teɪn rɪs'trɪkt kən'trəul]
stay on top of the pile
[steɪ ɔn tɔp ɔv ðə paɪl]
maintain a healthy body
[meɪn'teɪn ə 'hɛlθɪ 'bɔdɪ]
keep the profits
[ki:p ðə 'prɔfɪts]
keep this up
[ki:p ðɪs ʌp]
keep standards
[ki:p 'stændərdz]
keep in intact
[ki:p ɪn ɪn'tækt]
maintain gels acrylic
[meɪn'teɪn ʤɛlz ək'rɪlɪk]
keep alive
[ki:p ə'laɪv]
to maintain
[tu meɪn'teɪn]
keep sth in place
[ki:p 'sʌmθɪŋ ɪn pleɪs]
keep fit
[ki:p fɪt]
keep in touch
[ki:p ɪn tʌʧ]
to stay in business
[tu steɪ ɪn 'bɪznəs]
keep in
[ki:p ɪn]
to keep in clean
[tu ki:p ɪn kli:n]
to keep in order
[tu ki:p ɪn 'ɔ:də(r)]
maintain mental balance
[meɪn'teɪn 'mɛntl 'bæləns]

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