Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
atop [ə'tɔp] |
summit meeting ['sʌmɪt 'mi:tɪŋ] |
at the top of the hill [æt ðə tɔp ɔv ðə hɪl] |
be at the top of the pile [bi: æt ðə tɔp ɔv ðə paɪl] |
at the very top of the list | |
on the top of mountain [ɔn ðə tɔp ɔv 'mauntɪn] |
at the top of [æt ðə tɔp ɔv] |
at the height of mistrust | |
I am/feel on top of the world [aɪ æm fi:l ɔn tɔp ɔv ðə wə:ld] |
summit conference ['sʌmɪt 'kɔnfərəns] |
pen house [pɛn haus] |
atop [ə'tɔp] |
on the top to burn [ɔn ðə tɔp tu bə:n] |
Do you like being at the top? [du: ju: laɪk 'bi:ɪŋ æt ðə tɔp] |
situated up on a ridge ['sɪʧueɪtɪd ʌp ɔn ə rɪʤ] |
a summit devoted to [ə 'sʌmɪt dɪ'vəutəd tu] |
first climbed in 1908 [fə:st klaɪmd ɪn 1908] |
at the top. [æt ðə tɔp] |
stay on top of the pile [steɪ ɔn tɔp ɔv ðə paɪl] |
summit talks ['sʌmɪt tɔ:ks] |
at summit [æt 'sʌmɪt] |
one atop of another [wʌn ə'tɔp ɔv ə'nʌðə(r)] |
stay on top of [steɪ ɔn tɔp ɔv] |
on the top of [ɔn ðə tɔp ɔv] |
the rooftop terrace affords beautiful views [ðə 'rju:ftɑp 'tɛrəs ə'fɔ:dz 'bju:tɪful vju:z] |
Let's see who ends up on top [lɛts si: hu: ɛndz ʌp ɔn tɔp] |