Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
readymade | |
with [wɪð] |
progress payment | |
moderately ['mɔdərətlɪ] |
if possible | |
made to measure [meɪd tu 'mɛʒə(r)] |
It is a bespoke suit. [ɪt ɪz ə bespoke sju:t] |
beyond measure [bɪ'ɔnd 'mɛʒə(r)] |
tailor made ['teɪlə(r) meɪd] |
as far as possible [æz fɑ: æz 'pɔsɪbl] |
The appetite grows with what it feeds on [ðə 'æpɪtaɪt grəuz wɪð wɔt ɪt fi:dz ɔn] |
to the extent possible | |
as time passed [æz taɪm pæst] |
tailor-made holiday ['teɪlə(r) meɪd 'hɔlədeɪ] |
as the works proceed [æz ðə wə:ks prɪ'si:d] |
I would appreciate a quick reply at your conveyance. | |
tailor-made suit ['teɪlə(r) meɪd sju:t] |
Volumetric analysis | |
bespoke [bespoke] |
I would appreciate a reply at your earliest conven | |
tailored ['teɪlərd] |
half-decent [hɑ:f 'di:sənt] |
I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience [aɪ wud ə'pri:ʃɪeɪt ə rɪp'laɪ æt jɔ:(r) 'ə:lɪɪst kən'vi:nɪəns] |
tailor-made ['teɪlə(r) meɪd] |
mildly ['maɪldlɪ] |
live within one's means [lɪv wɪð'ɪn one's mi:nz] |
custom-made ['kʌstəm meɪd] |
excessively [ɪk'sɛsɪvlɪ] |
moderately ['mɔdərətlɪ] |
overuse [əuvər'ju:z] |
to be happy beyond measure [tu bi: 'hæpɪ bɪ'ɔnd 'mɛʒə(r)] |