Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
reflexive [rɪ'flɛksɪv] |
tropic ['trɔpɪk] |
returnable [rɪ'tə:nəbl] |
reimbursement [ri:ɪm'bə:smənt] |
reimbursement of travelling expenses | |
end constructions [ɛnd kən'strʌkʃənz] |
reversal [rɪ'və:sl] |
tax rebate [tæks 'ri:beɪt] |
rebate ['ri:beɪt] |
the Tropic of Cancer [ðə 'trɔpɪk ɔv 'kænsə(r)] |
verse [və:s] |
tropic of Capricorn ['trɔpɪk ɔv 'kæprɪkɔ:n] |
phrases ['freɪzəz] |
restoring [rɪs'tɔ:ɪŋ] |
returnable bottles [rɪ'tə:nəbl 'bɔtəlz] |
reciprocals | |
polite words [pə'laɪt wə:dz] |
points, switch | |
refund [rɪ'fʌnd] |
repayment [rɪ'peɪmənt] |
twist in a plot [twɪst ɪn ə plɔt] |
return [rɪ'tə:n] |
tax rebate | |
verse [və:s] |
be by far and away (+ superlative) [bi: baɪ fɑ: ænd ə'weɪ su'pə:lətɪv] |
twist [twɪst] |
about-face [ə'baut feɪs] |
no refunds [nəu rɪ'fʌndz] |
reimbursement [ri:ɪm'bə:smənt] |
restitution [rɛstɪ'tu:ʃən] |
tropical wet ['trɔpɪkl wɛt] |
tropical dry ['trɔpɪkl draɪ] |
expressions [ɪk'sprɛʃənz] |
phrase [freɪz] |
best wishes - imie [bɛst 'wɪʃɪz imie] |
turn [tə:n] |
remarks [rɪ'mɑ:ks] |
tax refund [tæks rɪ'fʌnd] |
refund [rɪ'fʌnd] |
income tax return ['ɪnkʌm tæks rɪ'tə:n] |
about-face [ə'baut feɪs] |
return on sales [rɪ'tə:n ɔn seɪlz] |
return on investment [rɪ'tə:n ɔn ɪn'vɛstmənt] |
formal greetings ['fɔ:ml 'gri:tɪŋz] |
formal greetings ['fɔ:ml 'gri:tɪŋz] |
tropical rain forest ['trɔpɪkl reɪn 'fɔ:ɪst] |
courtesies ['kə:tɪsɪz] |
coin return [kɔɪn rɪ'tə:n] |
tropic of Cancer ['trɔpɪk ɔv 'kænsə(r)] |
tropics ['trɔpɪks] |
phrase [freɪz] |
refund [rɪ'fʌnd] |
attention turn [ə'tɛnʃən tə:n] |
returning the parcel [rɪ'tə:nɪŋ ðə 'pɑ:sl] |
knuckle ['nʌkl] |
turn of events [tə:n ɔv ɪ'vɛnts] |