Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"While" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
while I don't want to jump to conclusions
while I would agree to a certain extend/degree
while I do see where you are coming from on this
while there are many things I would agree on
whileI was working in the garden , my husband was
while i was travelling by car i visiting
While i was driving home from work , I collided with another car.
While I was riding home from school, I collided with a tree.
While I was working
While I was riding home from school, I collided with a tree.
While you are here, you can feel at home
while they admire
[waɪl ðeɪ æd'maɪə(r)]
while working
[waɪl 'wə:kɪŋ]
While Daniel was playing basketball he fell and broke his leg
[waɪl 'dænjul wɔz 'pleɪɪŋ 'bæskətbɔ:l hi: fɛl ænd brəuk hɪz lɛg]
While i was travelling
[waɪl aɪ wɔz 'trævəlɪŋ]
while the driver was changing...
[waɪl ðə 'draɪvə(r) wɔz 'ʧeɪnʤɪŋ]
while sth away
[waɪl 'sʌmθɪŋ ə'weɪ]
while away
[waɪl ə'weɪ]
While I remember can you get some money out of a cash machine
[waɪl aɪ rɪ'mɛmbə(r) kæn ju: gɛt sʌm 'mʌnɪ aut ɔv ə kæʃ mə'ʃi:n]
while you cut
[waɪl ju: kʌt]
While I was having an English lesson they were playing outside.
[waɪl aɪ wɔz 'hævɪŋ ən 'ɪŋglɪʃ 'lɛsn ðeɪ wə:(r) 'pleɪɪŋ aut'saɪd]
While you were in Ireland, I was in America
[waɪl ju: wə:(r) ɪn 'aɪərlənd aɪ wɔz ɪn ə'mɛrəkə]
while you were growing up
[waɪl ju: wə:(r) 'grəuɪŋ ʌp]
While driving
[waɪl 'draɪvɪŋ]
While driving
[waɪl 'draɪvɪŋ]
While driving,,,,,.,.,.,.,.
[waɪl 'draɪvɪŋ]
While driving,...,,,,....
[waɪl 'draɪvɪŋ]
While studying , I worked on a part time basic at Italian restaurant as waiter
[waɪl 'stʌdɪɪŋ aɪ wə:kt ɔn ə pɑ:t taɪm 'beɪsɪk æt ɪ'tæljun 'rɛstərɑnt æz 'weɪtə(r)]
while doing so
[waɪl 'du:ɪŋ səu]
while my guitar gently weeps
[waɪl maɪ gɪ'tɑ:(r) 'ʤɛntlɪ wi:ps]
while ago
[waɪl ə'gəu]
while I was watching tv...
[waɪl aɪ wɔz 'wɔʧɪŋ 'ti:vi:]
While you are there, please feel free to indulge your every whim
[waɪl ju: ɑ:(r) ðɛə(r) pli:z fi:l fri: tu ɪn'dʌlʤ jɔ:(r) 'ɛvrɪ wɪm]
While I use the bathroom, you will have to wait okay?
[waɪl aɪ ju:s ðə 'bɑ:θrum ju: wɪl hæv tu weɪt 'əukeɪ]
While/ When my son is riding his bike, I will tidy his room. He's still too young to do it on his own.
[waɪl wɛn maɪ sʌn ɪz 'raɪdɪŋ hɪz baɪk aɪ wɪl 'taɪdɪ hɪz ru:m hi:z stɪl tu: jʌŋ tu du: ɪt ɔn hɪz əun]
while supplies last
[waɪl sɪp'laɪz lɑ:st]
while supplies last
[waɪl sɪp'laɪz lɑ:st]

"While" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
get/have the feel of
hold the fort
[həuld ðə fɔ:t]
we use while before the past continuous
keep an eye on
[ki:p ən aɪ ɔn]
control flow construct
[kən'trəul fləu kən'strʌkt]
Your vehicle has anti-lock brakes
[jɔ:(r) 'vi:hɪkl hæz 'æntɪ lɔk breɪks]
assembly line
[ə'sɛmblɪ laɪn]
ice axe
to take care of
expense account
[ɪks'pɛns ə'kaunt]
cover for sb
['kʌvə(r) fɔ:(r) 'sʌmbədɪ]
whizz kid
[wɪz kɪd]

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