Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
join [ʤɔɪn] |
merge [mə:ʤ] |
put through [put θru:] |
mix up (with) | |
fuse [fju:z] |
link [lɪŋk] |
put through to [put θru: tu] |
interconnect [ɪntərkə'nɛkt] |
get through to [gɛt θru: tu] |
connect [kə'nɛkt] |
bring together [brɪŋ tə'gɛðə(r)] |
links [lɪŋks] |
join [ʤɔɪn] |
carry ['kærɪ] |
join [ʤɔɪn] |
sheets of paper [ʃi:ts ɔv 'peɪpə(r)] |
link [lɪŋk] |
get througt to | |
associate [ə'səuʃɪɪt] |
couple, connect with, link with ['kʌpl kə'nɛkt wɪð lɪŋk wɪð] |
band [bænd] |
collocate [collocate] |
mate [meɪt] |
combined [kəm'baɪnd] |
combine 2 disciplines | |
meld | |
commingle | |
reconnect [rɪkə'nɛkt] |
combine / connect / join ['kɔmbaɪn kə'nɛkt ʤɔɪn] |
combine text and graphics ['kɔmbaɪn tɛkst ænd 'græfɪks] |
consolidate [kən'sɔlɪdeɪt] |
to join forces [tu ʤɔɪn 'fɔ:sɪz] |
put through / connect [put θru: kə'nɛkt] |
combine ['kɔmbaɪn] |
to put sb through [tu put 'sʌmbədɪ θru:] |
to connect outgoing calls [tu kə'nɛkt 'autgəuɪŋ kɔ:lz] |
to make internal connections [tu meɪk ɪn'tə:nl kə'nɛkʃənz] |
articulate [ɑ:'tɪkjuleɪt] |
put you through [put ju: θru:] |
combine ['kɔmbaɪn] |
associate [ə'səusɪɪt] |
couple ['kʌpl] |
couple ['kʌpl] |
put ingredients together [put ɪn'gri:dɪənts tə'gɛðə(r)] |
reunite [ri:u'naɪt] |
connect [kə'nɛkt] |
to team up (with) [tu ti:m ʌp wɪð] |
merge together [mə:ʤ tə'gɛðə(r)] |
by combining cutting-edge technology [baɪ kəm'baɪnɪŋ 'kʌtɪŋ ɛʤ tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
associate with [ə'səusɪɪt wɪð] |
conflate [kən'fleɪt] |
join forces [ʤɔɪn 'fɔ:sɪz] |
coalesced [kəuə'lɛst] |
to merge with [tu mə:ʤ wɪð] |
to combine sth [tu 'kɔmbaɪn 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
combine forces ['kɔmbaɪn 'fɔ:sɪz] |
conflate [kən'fleɪt] |
connect (with) [kə'nɛkt wɪð] |
connect the dots [kə'nɛkt ðə dɔts] |
to merge with sth [tu mə:ʤ wɪð 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
liaise [liaise] |
coalesce [kəuə'lɛs] |
tie [taɪ] |
unite [ju:'naɪt] |
merge [mə:ʤ] |
join [ʤɔɪn] |
associate with [ə'səusɪɪt wɪð] |
coalesce [kəuə'lɛs] |
amalgamate [ə'mælgəmeɪt] |
connect [kə'nɛkt] |
combine ['kɔmbaɪn] |
connect [kə'nɛkt] |
to merge with [tu mə:ʤ wɪð] |
to connect [tu kə'nɛkt] |
combine ['kɔmbaɪn] |
relate [rɪ'leɪt] |
merge [mə:ʤ] |
merge [mə:ʤ] |
meet [mi:t] |
to link [tu lɪŋk] |
relate [rɪ'leɪt] |
Synthesize ['sɪnθɪsaɪz] |
Synthesize - (v.) To combine different ideas, influences, or elements into a coherent whole. ['sɪnθɪsaɪz vi: tu 'kɔmbaɪn 'dɪfərənt aɪ'di:əz 'ɪnflu:ənsɪz ɔ:(r) 'ɛləmənts 'ɪntu ə kə'hɪrənt həul] |