Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
We'll meet at five in the afternoon. | |
we meet in the evening | |
meet about | |
we will meet at the bus stop or the railway station [wi: wɪl mi:t æt ðə bʌs stɔp ɔ:(r) ðə 'reɪlweɪ 'steɪʃən] |
I'll meet you there at 6 o'clock unless I hear otherwise. [aɪl mi:t ju: ðɛə(r) æt 6 ək'lɔk ʌn'lɛs aɪ hɪə(r) 'ʌðərwaɪz] |
I'll catch up with you later [aɪl kæʧ ʌp wɪð ju: 'leɪtə(r)] |