Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
basic ['beɪsɪk] |
basis ['beɪsɪs] |
rudimentary [ru:də'mɛntərɪ] |
rudiments ['rju:dɪmənts] |
standard ['stændərd] |
bedrock ['bɛdrɑk] |
basis ['beɪsɪs] |
substituent | |
primary /elementary ['praɪmɛrɪ ɛlə'mɛntrɪ] |
groundwork ['graundwək] |
basic stuff | |
primary/elementary ['praɪmɛrɪ ɛlə'mɛntrɪ] |
staple ['steɪpl] |
stele | |
upon [ə'pɔn] |
first principles | |
elementary [ɛlɪ'mɛntərɪ] |
primary ['praɪmɛrɪ] |
bare essentials [bɛə(r) e'sɛnʧəlz] |
upon [ə'pɔn] |
core [kɔ:(r)] |
the basic unit of the society | |
basic education | |
basis, bases | |
basis of a theory | |
The basic question is, what will they do? [ðə 'beɪsɪk 'kwɛsʧən ɪz wɔt wɪl ðeɪ du:] |
rudimentary [ru:də'mɛntərɪ] |
basic fittings | |
fundamentals of programming | |
the basic of any decision | |
primary ['praɪmɛrɪ] |
primordial | |
basic food items | |
basic way ['beɪsɪk weɪ] |
prime rate [praɪm reɪt] |
grounding | |
basal ['beɪsl] |
fundamental emptines of all phenomena | |
cloud base [klaud beɪs] |
staple goods ['steɪpl gudz] |
core products [kɔ:(r) 'prɔdəkts] |
augmented product [ɑg'mɛntəd 'prɔdʌkt] |
basic maintenance ['beɪsɪk 'meɪntənəns] |
basic of ['beɪsɪk ɔv] |
staple products ['steɪpl 'prɔdəkts] |
staple diet ['steɪpl 'daɪət] |
staple food ['steɪpl fu:d] |
fundamentals [fndə'mɛntəlz] |
root cause [ru:t kɔz] |
basic ['beɪsɪk] |
core competent [kɔ:(r) 'kɔmpɪtənt] |
basic ['beɪsɪk] |
basis for ['beɪsɪs fɔ:(r)] |
primary structure ['praɪmɛrɪ 'strʌkʧə(r)] |
corner stone ['kɔ:nə(r) stəun] |
underlying profit [ndər'laɪɪŋ 'prɔfɪt] |
essential flavour [ɪ'sɛnʃəl 'fleɪvə(r)] |
prime requirement [praɪm rɪk'waɪrmənt] |
main colour of flesh [meɪn 'kʌlə(r) ɔv flɛʃ] |
essential nutrients [ɪ'sɛnʃəl 'nju:trɪənts] |
legal basis of an action ['li:gl 'beɪsɪs ɔv ən 'ækʃən] |
basic principle ['beɪsɪk 'prɪnsɪpl] |
primary legislation ['praɪmɛrɪ lɛʤɪs'leɪʃən] |
base rate [beɪs reɪt] |
basic ['beɪsɪk] |
primary supporting structure ['praɪmɛrɪ sɪ'pɔ:tɪŋ 'strʌkʧə(r)] |
basic ['beɪsɪk] |
a fundamental psychological principle [ə fʌndə'mɛntl saɪkə'lɔʤɪkl 'prɪnsɪpl] |
the basic inner workings of [ðə 'beɪsɪk 'ɪnə(r) 'wə:kɪŋz ɔv] |
Basic Military Training ['beɪsɪk 'mɪlətɛrɪ 'treɪnɪŋ] |
essential point [ɪ'sɛnʃəl pɔɪnt] |
core product families [kɔ:(r) 'prɔdʌkt 'fæməlɪz] |
basis for a legal case ['beɪsɪs fɔ:(r) ə 'li:gl keɪs] |
core [kɔ:(r)] |
basic necessities ['beɪsɪk nə'sɛsɪtɪz] |
basic ['beɪsɪk] |
basics ['beɪsɪks] |
a staple diet [ə 'steɪpl 'daɪət] |
eggcup [eggcup] |
a core [ə kɔ:(r)] |
basis ['beɪsɪs] |
essential [ɪ'sɛnʃəl] |
the basics [ðə 'beɪsɪks] |
core activities [kɔ:(r) æk'tɪvɪtɪz] |
essential [ɪ'sɛnʃəl] |
basic salary ['beɪsɪk 'sælərɪ] |
elementary [ɛlə'mɛntrɪ] |
basic information ['beɪsɪk ɪnfər'meɪʃən] |
base [beɪs] |
the underlying reason for [ðə ndər'laɪɪŋ 'ri:zn fɔ:(r)] |
basics of accounting ['beɪsɪks ɔv ə'kauntɪŋ] |
basic function ['beɪsɪk 'fʌŋkʃən] |
footplate [footplate] |
no frills [nəu frɪlz] |
fundamental [fʌndə'mɛntl] |
staple foods ['steɪpl fju:dz] |
background information ['bækgraund ɪnfər'meɪʃən] |
staples ['steɪpəlz] |
core-basic [kɔ:(r) 'beɪsɪk] |
core skills [kɔ:(r) skɪlz] |