Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
fumble ['fʌmbl] |
fumes [fju:mz] |
fume [fju:m] |
fuming ['fju:mɪŋ] |
fumar | |
fumigation [fju:mə'geɪʃən] |
fumble ['fʌmbl] |
fumes [fju:mz] |
fumes [fju:mz] |
fumes [fju:mz] |
fumbling attempts ['fʌmbəlɪŋ ə'tɛmpts] |
fume [fju:m] |
fumbling hands ['fʌmbəlɪŋ hændz] |
fumbling with my bag ['fʌmbəlɪŋ wɪð maɪ bæg] |
fume [fju:m] |
fume hood [fju:m hud] |
fumigate ['fju:məgeɪt] |
fumble about ['fʌmbl ə'baut] |
fumes [fju:mz] |
fumble ['fʌmbl] |
fumes [fju:mz] |
fumble ['fʌmbl] |
Fumes emitted directly into the atmosphere pollute the air [fju:mz ɪ'mɪtəd dər'ɛktlɪ 'ɪntu ðə 'ætməsfɪə(r) pə'lu:t ðə ɛə(r)] |
fumble ['fʌmbl] |