Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
at this point [æt ðɪs pɔɪnt] |
farther ['fɑ:ðə(r)] |
eviscerate [ə'vɪsəreɪt] |
fuming ['fju:mɪŋ] |
cut back [kʌt bæk] |
sort of [sɔ:t ɔv] |
in some sense [ɪn sʌm sɛns] |
After a fashion ['ɑ:ftə(r) ə 'fæʃən] |
in the way | |
in a sense [ɪn ə sɛns] |
at this point [æt ðɪs pɔɪnt] |
single ['sɪŋgl] |
in a way [ɪn ə weɪ] |
head outside for a dirty weekend | |
in strict sense [ɪn strɪkt sɛns] |
sort of [sɔ:t ɔv] |
could afford [kud ə'fɔ:d] |
in this respect .... [ɪn ðɪs rɪs'pɛkt] |
in a way [ɪn ə weɪ] |
in a way [ɪn ə weɪ] |
something of value ['sʌmθɪŋ ɔv 'vælju:] |
cut back on [kʌt bæk ɔn] |
in a sense [ɪn ə sɛns] |
in the sense that [ɪn ðə sɛns ðæt] |
in artistic term the play was very modern [ɪn ɑ:'tɪstɪk tə:m ðə pleɪ wɔz 'vɛrɪ 'mɔdən] |
hold held held [həuld hɛld hɛld] |
god-forsaken hole [gɔd fə'seɪkən həul] |
scatter ['skætə(r)] |
stewed [stu:d] |
progress ['prɔgrɛs] |
harvesting ['hɑ:vɪstɪŋ] |
to be far more likely to develop skin infections [tu bi: fɑ: mɔ:(r) 'laɪklɪ tu dɪ'vɛləp skɪn ɪn'fɛkʃənz] |
afford [ə'fɔ:d] |
to desert [tu 'dɛzərt] |
I'm kind of flattered that... [aɪm kaɪnd ɔv 'flætərd ðæt] |
in what sense? [ɪn wɔt sɛns] |
I kinda saw that coming [aɪ 'kɪndə sɔ: ðæt 'kʌmɪŋ] |
He kind of downplayed it [hi: kaɪnd ɔv 'daunpleɪd ɪt] |
persist [pər'sɪst] |
of a sort [ɔv ə sɔ:t] |
inner circle ['ɪnə(r) 'sə:kl] |
defeat [dɪ'fi:t] |
attachment to someone [ə'tæʧmənt tu 'sʌmwʌn] |
conquer ['kɔŋkə(r)] |
denomination [dɪnɔmɪ'neɪʃən] |
to be affected by sth [tu bi: ə'fɛktəd baɪ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |