Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
hip [hɪp] |
hippopotamus [hɪpə'pɔtəməs] |
hip [hɪp] |
hip tile | |
hip hip hurray | |
hippo ['hɪpə] |
hip [hɪp] |
hippy | |
hip-hop [hɪp hɔp] |
hip replacement | |
hipss | |
hippie ['hɪpɪ] |
hips [hɪps] |
hip bone [hɪp bəun] |
hippodrome- a stadium where horse racing takes place ['hɪpədrəum ə 'steɪdɪəm wɛə(r) hɔ:s 'reɪsɪŋ teɪks pleɪs] |
hip roof [hɪp ru:f] |
Hipokrates 5/4wpne | |
hip boots | |
hipokryta | |
hip hop [hɪp hɔp] |
hippodrome ['hɪpədrəum] |
hipbone ['hɪpbəun] |
hip-hop music [hɪp hɔp 'mju:zɪk] |
hip flexors [hɪp flexors] |
hip replacement [hɪp rɪp'leɪsmənt] |
hippy clothes [hippy kləuðz] |
hip fractures [hɪp 'frækʧərz] |
hip dysplasia [hɪp dɪs'pleɪʒə] |
hip house [hɪp haus] |
hippogriff [hippogriff] |
hip [hɪp] |
hip-flask [hɪp flæsk] |
hip [hɪp] |
hippo campus ['hɪpə 'kæmpəs] |
hip [hɪp] |
hippy [hippy] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
hippopotamus [hɪpə'pɔtəməs] |
hypnotize ['hɪpnətaɪz] |
hypocrite ['hɪpəkrɪt] |
hypothesis [haɪ'pɔθɪsɪs] |
hypochondriac [haɪpə'kɔndrɪæk] |
hip hip hurray | |
hippo ['hɪpə] |
hypnotics [hɪp'nɔtɪks] |
hypothetically [haɪpə'θɛtɪklɪ] |
hippy | |
hip-hop [hɪp hɔp] |
hyperpnoea | |
mortgage ['mɔ:gəʤ] |
hippie ['hɪpɪ] |
entrancing sight [entrancing saɪt] |
focus ['fəukəs] |
hypothermia [haɪpə'θə:mɪə] |
hippodrome- a stadium where horse racing takes place ['hɪpədrəum ə 'steɪdɪəm wɛə(r) hɔ:s 'reɪsɪŋ teɪks pleɪs] |
hyperbolic [haɪpər'bɔlɪk] |
mesmerising [mesmerising] |
hypnosis [hɪp'nəusɪs] |
mesmerize | |
określił czym jest etyka zawodu lekarza | |
hyperbole [haɪ'pə:bəli:] |
hypnotherapist [hypnotherapist] |
mega-mall ['mɛgə mɔ:l] |
mortgage on the financed property ['mɔ:gəʤ ɔn ðə fɪ'nænst 'prɔpətɪ] |
assumed [ə'su:md] |
hip hop [hɪp hɔp] |
hypnotise [hypnotise] |
hypnotise (to-) [hypnotise tu] |
to hypnotise [tu hypnotise] |
hypermarket ['haɪpərmɑrkɪt] |
hypotheses [haɪ'pɔθɪsi:z] |
hypertrophy [hypertrophy] |
hyperthymesia [hyperthymesia] |
hyperthermia [hyperthermia] |
hypothesis (pl. hypotheses) [haɪ'pɔθɪsɪs pl haɪ'pɔθɪsi:z] |
contact hypothesis ['kɔntækt haɪ'pɔθɪsɪs] |
the hippopotamus [ðə hɪpə'pɔtəməs] |
a hippie [ə 'hɪpɪ] |
hip house [hɪp haus] |
hypothetical situation [haɪpə'θɛtəkl sɪtju'eɪʃən] |
hippogriff [hippogriff] |
hypothetical [haɪpə'θɛtəkl] |
hyperchondriac [hyperchondriac] |
legal mortgage ['li:gl 'mɔ:gəʤ] |
conventional mortgage [kən'vɛnʃənl 'mɔ:gəʤ] |
judicial mortgage [ʤu'dɪʃəl 'mɔ:gəʤ] |
hyperbolic [haɪpər'bɔlɪk] |
cant [kænt] |
hypoallergenic [hypoallergenic] |
hypnotherapy [hypnotherapy] |
hypertext ['haɪpərtɛkst] |
hippy [hippy] |
hyperlink ['haɪpərlɪŋk] |
hyperrealist [hyperrealist] |
hyperrealist movement [hyperrealist 'mu:vmənt] |