Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
thick [θɪk] |
thick-skinned [θɪk skɪnd] |
thicken ['θɪkn] |
thicket ['θɪkɪt] |
thickness ['θɪknɪs] |
thickset | |
thicker ['θɪkə(r)] |
thick [θɪk] |
thickening ['θɪkənɪŋ] |
thick eyebrows [θɪk 'aɪbrauz] |
thick mud | |
thick [θɪk] |
thick soup [θɪk su:p] |
thick black hair [θɪk blæk hɛə(r)] |
thick skinned | |
thick wooden beams | |
thick and thin [θɪk ænd θɪn] |
thick [θɪk] |
thick hair [θɪk hɛə(r)] |
thick fog [θɪk fɔg] |
thick book [θɪk buk] |
thick-legged pig [θɪk 'lɛgəd pɪg] |
thick [θɪk] |
thick feathers | |
thick/coarse | |
thick dense | |
thick [θɪk] |
thick [θɪk] |
thicker yarn | |
thick mist [θɪk mɪst] |
thick clouds [θɪk klaudz] |
thicket ['θɪkɪt] |
thick cotton towel [θɪk 'kɔtn 'tauəl] |
thick hair [θɪk hɛə(r)] |
thick / thicker [θɪk 'θɪkə(r)] |
thick [θɪk] |
thick protein strand [θɪk 'prəuti:n strænd] |
thick liquid [θɪk 'lɪkwəd] |
thick sauce [θɪk sɔ:s] |
thick [θɪk] |
thickness ['θɪknɪs] |
thick [θɪk] |
thickeners [thickeners] |
thickly ['θɪklɪ] |
thick thicker the thickest [θɪk 'θɪkə(r) ðə 'θɪkɪst] |
thicker ['θɪkə(r)] |
thicken ['θɪkn] |
thick [θɪk] |
thickly ['θɪklɪ] |
thick [θɪk] |
thickened sludge ['θɪkənd slʌʤ] |
thick [θɪk] |
thickening agent ['θɪkənɪŋ 'eɪʤənt] |
thick waterproof gloves [θɪk 'wɔ:təpru:f glʌvz] |
thick walls [θɪk wɔ:lz] |
Thick,.,,,,' [Thick'] |
thick coat [θɪk kəut] |
thick reinforced wall [θɪk ri:ɪn'fɔ:st wɔ:l] |
thick reinforced wall [θɪk ri:ɪn'fɔ:st wɔ:l] |
thick smog [θɪk smɔg] |
thick [θɪk] |
thick [θɪk] |
thick forests of spruce fir and oak [θɪk 'fɔ:ɪsts ɔv spru:s fə:(r) ænd əuk] |
thick [θɪk] |
thick smog hanging [θɪk smɔg 'hæŋɪŋ] |
thick smoke [θɪk sməuk] |
thick forest [θɪk 'fɔ:ɪst] |
thick [θɪk] |
thick skin [θɪk skɪn] |
thick-maze oak polypore [θɪk meɪz əuk polypore] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
DENSE [dɛns] |