Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
stirr controversy | |
arouse [ə'rauz] |
to inspire confidence in sb [tu ɪn'spaɪr 'kɔnfɪdəns ɪn 'sʌmbədɪ] |
to arouse one's enthusiasm | |
excite [ɪk'saɪt] |
to raise a great deal of controversy [tu reɪz ə greɪt di:l ɔv 'kɔntrəvə:sɪ] |
to arouse [tu ə'rauz] |
whip up [wɪp ʌp] |
causing sb's concern ['kɔzɪŋ sb's kən'sə:n] |
arouse [ə'rauz] |
arouse interest [ə'rauz 'ɪntrɪst] |
arouse [ə'rauz] |
arouse suspicion [ə'rauz səs'pɪʃən] |
arouse controversy [ə'rauz 'kɔntrəvə:sɪ] |
to compel sb to do sth [tu kəm'pɛl 'sʌmbədɪ tu du: 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
to compel admiration [tu kəm'pɛl ædmə'reɪʃən] |
to arouse one's trust [tu ə'rauz wʌnz trʌst] |
arouse much interest [ə'rauz mʌʧ 'ɪntrɪst] |
stir up emotions [stə:(r) ʌp ɪ'məuʃənz] |