Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
castle ['kɑ:sl] |
lock [lɔk] |
zip [zɪp] |
zip can be broken [zɪp kæn bi: 'brəukn] |
sandcastle [sandcastle] |
knight's castle | |
fort [fɔ:t] |
Wawel Castle | |
lock [lɔk] |
a castle [ə 'kɑ:sl] |
castle ['kɑ:sl] |
sand castle | |
ein Schloss | |
Phantom Manor | |
lock [lɔk] |
Marienburg castle [Marienburg 'kɑ:sl] |
zipper ['zɪpə(r)] |
zip-fastener [zɪp 'fæsɪnə(r)] |
stirrup-bar ['stə:əp bɑ:(r)] |
The Castle stands on the hill. [ðə 'kɑ:sl stændz ɔn ðə hɪl] |
castle / chalet / cottage ['kɑ:sl 'ʃæleɪ 'kɔtəʤ] |
zip is stuck [zɪp ɪz stʌk] |
zip [zɪp] |
lock [lɔk] |
Edinburgh Castle ['ɛdənbərə 'kɑ:sl] |
combination lock [kɔmbɪ'neɪʃən lɔk] |
zip [zɪp] |
door lock [dɔ:(r) lɔk] |
lock [lɔk] |
bouncy castle ['baunsɪ 'kɑ:sl] |
lock [lɔk] |
The castle stands alongside a shopping centre [ðə 'kɑ:sl stændz ə'lɔŋ'saɪd ə 'ʃɔpɪŋ 'sɛntə(r)] |