Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
coal [kəul] |
coalition [kəuə'lɪʃən] |
coalmine [coalmine] |
coal-mine [kəul maɪn] |
coal dust | |
coal-fired power-plant [kəul 'faɪərd 'pauə(r) plɑ:nt] |
coal-tit | |
coal mine | |
coalminer | |
coal shed | |
coal bunker | |
coalfields in England [coalfields ɪn 'ɪŋglənd] |
coal-mining region | |
coal miner [kəul 'maɪnə(r)] |
coalfield [coalfield] |
coal fires [kəul 'faɪərz] |
coal mining [kəul 'maɪnɪŋ] |
coal tar [kəul tɑ:] |
coalesced [kəuə'lɛst] |
coal mine [kəul maɪn] |
coalesce [kəuə'lɛs] |
coal stove [kəul stəuv] |
coalesce [kəuə'lɛs] |
coal - mining village [kəul 'maɪnɪŋ 'vɪləʤ] |
coalesce [kəuə'lɛs] |
coal fired [kəul 'faɪərd] |
coal [kəul] |
Coalesce - (v.) To come together and form one mass or whole. [kəuə'lɛs vi: tu kʌm tə'gɛðə(r) ænd fɔ:m wʌn mæs ɔ:(r) həul] |
coal-burning power plant [kəul 'bə:nɪŋ 'pauə(r) plɑ:nt] |