Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
highly ['haɪlɪ] |
highly-skilled ['haɪlɪ skɪld] |
highly unlikely ['haɪlɪ ʌn'laɪklɪ] |
highly committed ['haɪlɪ kə'mɪtɪd] |
highly competitive buisness | |
highly valued | |
highly-paid | |
highly-strung ['haɪlɪ strʌŋ] |
highly regarded | |
highly developed | |
highly inappropriate ['haɪlɪ ɪnəp'rəuprɪɪt] |
highly aroused | |
highly motivated ['haɪlɪ 'məutəveɪtəd] |
highly skilled ['haɪlɪ skɪld] |
highly specialised ['haɪlɪ specialised] |
highly motivated ['haɪlɪ 'məutəveɪtəd] |
highly likl | |
highly praised ['haɪlɪ preɪzd] |
highly qualified ['haɪlɪ 'kwɔləfaɪd] |
highly ['haɪlɪ] |
highly recommended ['haɪlɪ rɛkə'mɛndəd] |
highly intelligent ['haɪlɪ ɪn'tɛlɪʤənt] |
highly amused ['haɪlɪ ə'mju:zd] |
highly trained ['haɪlɪ treɪnd] |
highly-regarded ['haɪlɪ rɪ'gɑ:dəd] |
highly effective ['haɪlɪ ɪ'fɛktɪv] |
highly heated oils ['haɪlɪ 'hi:təd ɔɪlz] |
highly flammable ['haɪlɪ 'flæməbl] |
highly dangerous ['haɪlɪ 'deɪnʤrəs] |
highly infectious disease ['haɪlɪ ɪn'fɛkʃəs dɪ'zi:z] |
highly ['haɪlɪ] |
highly-motivated ['haɪlɪ 'məutəveɪtəd] |
highly delinquent ['haɪlɪ dɪ'lɪŋkwənt] |
highly motivated ['haɪlɪ 'məutəveɪtəd] |
highly qualified ['haɪlɪ 'kwɔləfaɪd] |
highly ['haɪlɪ] |
highly unusual ['haɪlɪ ə'nju:ʒəwəl] |
highly functional ['haɪlɪ 'fʌŋkʃənl] |
highly competitive marketplace ['haɪlɪ kəm'pɛtətɪv 'mɑ:kətpleɪs] |
highly-strung ['haɪlɪ strʌŋ] |
highly experience ['haɪlɪ ɪk'spɪərɪəns] |
highly fattening ['haɪlɪ 'fætənɪŋ] |
highly motivated ['haɪlɪ 'məutəveɪtəd] |
highly ['haɪlɪ] |
highly-skilled ['haɪlɪ skɪld] |
highly thought of ['haɪlɪ θɔ:t ɔv] |
Highly superstitious ['haɪlɪ su:pərs'tɪʃəs] |
highly ['haɪlɪ] |
highly- qualified ['haɪlɪ 'kwɔləfaɪd] |
highly acclaimed ['haɪlɪ ək'leɪmd] |
highly-requested features ['haɪlɪ rɪk'wɛstɪd 'fi:ʧə(r)z] |
highly strung ['haɪlɪ strʌŋ] |
highly ['haɪlɪ] |
highly prised ['haɪlɪ prised] |
highly ['haɪlɪ] |
highly unlikely ['haɪlɪ ʌn'laɪklɪ] |
highly - trained ['haɪlɪ treɪnd] |
highly-trained ['haɪlɪ treɪnd] |
highly likely ['haɪlɪ 'laɪklɪ] |
highly flexible material ['haɪlɪ 'flɛksɪbl mə'tɪrɪəl] |
highly prized ['haɪlɪ praɪzd] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
Nasty piece of work ['nɑ:stɪ pi:s ɔv wə:k] |
Reckless ['rɛkləs] |