Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
I have torn my blouse on a thorn | |
exchange in to a new blouse | |
She tucked her blouse into her skirt [ʃi: tʌkt hə:(r) blaus 'ɪntu hə:(r) skə:t] |
I stained my shirt with beetroot juice. [aɪ steɪnd maɪ ʃə:t wɪð beetroot ʤu:s] |
how about a new blouse [hau ə'baut ə nju: blaus] |
The girl has, stapled hair, wearing a white T-shirt and dark trousers. [ðə gə:l hæz 'steɪpəld hɛə(r) 'wɛrɪŋ ə waɪt ti: ʃə:t ænd dɑ:k 'trauzəz] |