Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
egg [ɛg] |
eggshell ['ɛgʃɛl] |
egg cup [ɛg kʌp] |
egg-shaped [ɛg ʃeɪpt] |
egg white [ɛg waɪt] |
eggs [ɛgz] |
egg and dart cyma | |
egg on | |
eggs with sausage [ɛgz wɪð 'sɔsɪʤ] |
egg-plant [ɛg plɑ:nt] |
egg timer [ɛg 'taɪmə(r)] |
egg sb on | |
eggplant ['ɛgplænt] |
egg yolk [ɛg jəuk] |
egg white [ɛg waɪt] |
egg sandwich [ɛg 'sændwɪʧ] |
egghead ['ɛghɛd] |
eggplant ['ɛgplænt] |
egg [ɛg] |
eggcup [eggcup] |
egg whites [ɛg waɪts] |
egg white/yolk [ɛg waɪt jəuk] |
eggplant ['ɛgplænt] |
egg on [ɛg ɔn] |
egg beater [ɛg 'bi:tə(r)] |
eggnog [eggnog] |
eggs [ɛgz] |
egghead ['ɛghɛd] |
egg hunt [ɛg hʌnt] |
egg sb on [ɛg 'sʌmbədɪ ɔn] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
jajka |