Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
cornerstone ['kɔ:nəstəun] |
flint [flɪnt] |
limestone ['laɪmstəun] |
milestone ['maɪlstəun] |
millstone ['mɪlstəun] |
quarry ['kwɔ:ɪ] |
stone [stəun] |
stony ['stəunɪ] |
touchstone ['tʌʧstəun] |
whetstone ['wɛtstəun] |
a load off one's mind [ə ləud ɔf wʌnz maɪnd] |
tenement house ['tɛnəmənt haus] |
garnet ['gɑ:nɪt] |
carbuncle | |
tartar ['tɑ:tə(r)] |
gemstone ['ʤɛmstəun] |
boat axe | |
stone battle axe | |
gallstone ['gɔ:lstəun] |
stone marker | |
shingle ['ʃɪŋgl] |
pebbly beach | |
pebbly | |
quarry ['kwɔ:ɪ] |
stone-cutter | |
rocks [rɔks] |
stone [stəun] |
stone sculptures | |
precious stones ['prɛʃəs stəunz] |
grindstone ['graɪndstəun] |
philosopher's stone [philosopher's stəun] |
stone [stəun] |
stone surface | |
tenement block ['tɛnəmənt blɔk] |
mason ['meɪsɪn] |
stones scattered along the walls [stəunz 'skætərd ə'lɔŋ ðə wɔ:lz] |
hewer ['hju:ə(r)] |
quarry ['kwɔ:ɪ] |
townhouse ['taunhaus] |
terraced house ['tɛrɪst haus] |
urolithiasis [urolithiasis] |
natural stone ['næʧərəl stəun] |
stone quarry [stəun 'kwɔ:ɪ] |
stone slabs [stəun slæbz] |
limestone ['laɪmstəun] |
The rocks are heavy [ðə rɔks ɑ:(r) 'hɛvɪ] |
stone [stəun] |
stone [stəun] |
stone must be prepared before printing [stəun mʌst bi: prɪ'pɛrd bɪ'fɔ:(r) 'prɪntɪŋ] |
a tenement house [ə 'tɛnəmənt haus] |
stone [stəun] |
stony ['stəunɪ] |
stepping stone ['stɛpɪŋ stəun] |
calculus deposits ['kælkjuləs də'pɔzɪts] |
gems [ʤɛmz] |
flint [flɪnt] |
town house [taun haus] |
tenement house ['tɛnəmənt haus] |
calculi [calculi] |
pebble beach ['pɛbl bi:ʧ] |
stone floor [stəun flɔ:(r)] |
gems [ʤɛmz] |
moonstone ['mju:nstəun] |
pebble ['pɛbl] |
cornerstones ['kɔ:nərstəunz] |
rock, paper, scissors [rɔk 'peɪpə(r) 'sɪzəz] |
stony beach ['stəunɪ bi:ʧ] |
weight off mind [weɪt ɔf maɪnd] |