Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
interact [ɪntər'ækt] |
affect [ə'fɛkt] |
influence ['ɪnfluəns] |
he- troops- reinforced- the- fort- for- the- battl | |
affect [ə'fɛkt] |
interact [ɪntər'ækt] |
operates on the environment ['ɔpəreɪts ɔn ðə ɪn'vaɪərnmənt] |
advertising impact ['ædvətaɪzɪŋ ɪm'pækt] |
affect [ə'fɛkt] |
affect [ə'fɛkt] |
affect [ə'fɛkt] |
to affect [tu ə'fɛkt] |
influencing ['ɪnflu:ənsɪŋ] |
intermolecular interactions [ɪntərmə'lɛkjulə(r) ɪntər'ækʃənz] |
division [dɪ'vɪʒən] |
Infantry sections ['ɪnfəntrɪ 'sɛkʃənz] |
armoured cavalry troops [armoured 'kævəlrɪ tru:ps] |
airborne infantry ['ɛəbɔ:n 'ɪnfəntrɪ] |
affect [ə'fɛkt] |
appel to ['æpl tu] |
departments [dɪ'pɑ:tmənts] |
affect [ə'fɛkt] |